首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community & applied social psychology >Meta-stereotypes of groups with opposite religious views: Believers and non-believers

Meta-stereotypes of groups with opposite religious views: Believers and non-believers


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Recent research on meta-stereotypes, that is, ingroup members' beliefs about how the outgroup sees them, may be of importance for intergroup relations between believers and non-believers, especially in the context of increasingly secularized societies. How do believers and non-believers think that outgroup members, respectively non-believers and believers, see them? Do these meta-stereotypes accurately reflect the outgroup's actual stereotypes? We investigated these questions by focusing on a series of relevant characteristics selected on the basis of previous research on religion and personality. Participants (n=100) provided their stereotypes and meta-stereotypes on eight personality traits. Believers and non-believers tended to share the meta-stereotype that the outgroup members see them as respectively high versus low in prosociality and conservatism and low versus high in hedonism and impulsivity. In contrast, believers seemed to ignore that non-believers see them as dogmatic and non-believers often exaggerated their meta-stereotypes in comparison to how believers actually saw them. Finally, highly identified group members tended to deny the outgroup's core characteristic, that is, believers' relative higher altruism and non-believers' relative lower dogmatism. We discuss the importance of knowing commonalities and discrepancies between stereotypic and meta-stereotypic perceptions for understanding intergroup perceptions and relations between groups that hold conflicting religious positions.
机译:最近关于元刻板印象的研究,即团体成员关于团体如何看待团体的信念,对于信徒与非信徒之间的团体间关系可能尤为重要,特别是在世俗化社会日益增多的情况下。信徒和非信徒如何看待小组成员,分别是非信徒和信徒?这些元刻板印象是否能准确反映外来群体的实际刻板印象?我们通过关注在先前对宗教和人格的研究基础上选择的一系列相关特征来研究这些问题。参与者(n = 100)针对八个人格特质提供了刻板印象和元刻板印象。信徒和非信徒倾向于分享元刻板印象,即小组成员认为他们的亲社会和保守主义分别为高与低,享乐主义和冲动为低与高。相反,信徒似乎忽略了非信徒认为他们是教条主义,与信徒实际看待他们相比,非信徒经常夸大其元刻板印象。最后,高度认同的团体成员倾向于否认团体的核心特征,即信徒相对较高的利他主义和非信徒相对较低的教条主义。我们讨论了了解刻板印象和元刻板印象之间的共性和差异的重要性,以理解群体间的看法和宗教立场冲突的群体之间的关系。



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