首页> 外文期刊>Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine: CCLM >The measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin D - an analytical challenge.

The measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin D - an analytical challenge.


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Over the last decade requests for the measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OHD) have risen exponentially. For example, statistics from the Australian government provides evidence for a 100-fold increase between 2000 and 2010 (1). This burst of vitamin D requests has several causes including an increased awareness of the medical community and the general population to the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relevance for osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, malignancies, infectious and autoimmune disease. The massively increased demand for 25-OHD testing has important implications for healthcare systems and clinical laboratories. Whereas healthcare systems worldwide face an explosion of costs for 25-OHD testing, laboratories have to adopt methods that can cope with the elevated workload. External quality control programs show that most laboratories use automated immunoassays.
机译:在过去的十年中,测量25-羟基维生素D(25-OHD)的需求呈指数增长。例如,澳大利亚政府的统计数据提供了2000年至2010年间增长100倍的证据(1)。维生素D需求激增的原因有很多,包括医学界和普通民众对维生素D缺乏症的高患病率及其与骨质疏松症,心血管疾病,恶性肿瘤,传染性和自身免疫性疾病的相关性的认识增加。 25-OHD测试的大量需求对医疗保健系统和临床实验室具有重要意义。尽管全球医疗保健系统面临25-OHD测试费用激增的局面,但实验室必须采用能够应对工作量增加的方法。外部质量控制程序表明,大多数实验室都使用自动免疫分析。



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