首页> 外文期刊>Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine: CCLM >A comparative analysis of the Iris iQ200 with manual microscopy as a diagnostic tool for dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine

A comparative analysis of the Iris iQ200 with manual microscopy as a diagnostic tool for dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine

机译:Iris iQ200与手动显微镜的比较分析,作为尿液中变形红细胞的诊断工具

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Microscopic analysis of erythrocytes in urine is a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying glomerular hematuria. Indicative of glomerular hematuria is the presence of eryth-rocyte casts and poly- and dysmorphic erythrocytes. In contrast, in non-glomerular hematuria, urine sediment erythrocytes are mono- and isomorphic, and erythrocyte casts are absent (1, 2). To date, various variant forms of dysmorphic erythrocyte morphology have been defined and classified. They are categorized as: D1, D2, and D3 cells (2). D1 and D2 cells are also referred to as acanthocytes or G1 cells which are mickey mouse-like cells with membrane protrusions and severe (D1) to mild (D2) loss of cytoplasmic color (2). D3 cells are doughnut-like or other poly- and dysmorphic forms that include discocytes, knizocytes, anulocytes, stomatocytes, codocytes, and schizocytes (2, 3). The cellular morphology of these cells is observed to have mild cytoplasmic loss, and symmetrical shaped membranes free of protrusions. Echinocytes and pseudo-acanthocytes (bite-cells) are not considered to be dysmorphic erythrocytes. Glomerular hematuria is likely if more than 40% of erythrocytes are dysmorphic or 5% are D1-D2 cells and nephrologic work-up should be considered (2).
机译:尿液中红细胞的显微镜分析是鉴定肾小球血尿的有价值的诊断工具。肾小球性血尿的迹象是存在红血球铸型以及多形和畸形的红细胞。相反,在非肾小球性血尿中,尿沉渣红细胞是单形和同形的,并且不存在红细胞铸型(1、2)。迄今为止,已经定义并分类了畸形红细胞形态的各种变体形式。它们被分类为:D1,D2和D3单元格(2)。 D1和D2细胞也被称为棘皮细胞或G1细胞,它们是具有膜突出和重度(D1)至轻度(D2)胞质色损失的米老鼠样细胞(2)。 D3细胞是甜甜圈状或其他多形和畸形形式,包括盘状细胞,核仁细胞,肛门细胞,口腔细胞,共细胞和精神分裂症(2、3)。观察到这些细胞的细胞形态具有轻度的细胞质损失,并且没有突起的对称形状的膜。棘突细胞和假棘皮细胞(咬细胞)不被认为是畸形的红细胞。如果超过40%的红细胞变形或5%的D1-D2细胞出现肾小球性血尿,则应考虑进行肾脏检查(2)。



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