首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Differential Equations >The evolution of traveling waves in a simple isothermal chemical system modeling quadratic autocatalysis with strong decay

The evolution of traveling waves in a simple isothermal chemical system modeling quadratic autocatalysis with strong decay


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In this paper, we study a reaction-diffusion system for an isothermal chemical reaction scheme governed by a quadratic autocatalytic step A+ B → 2B and a decay step B → C, where A, B, and C are the reactant, the autocatalyst, and the inner product, respectively. Previous numerical studies and experimental evidences demonstrate that if the autocatalyst is introduced locally into this autocatalytic reaction system where the reactant A initially distributes uniformly in the whole space, then a pair of waves will be generated and will propagate outwards from the initial reaction zone. One crucial feature of this phenomenon is that for the strong decay case, the formation of waves is independent of the amount of the autocatalyst B introduced into the system. It is this phenomenon of KPP-type which we would like to address in this paper. To study the propagation of reactant and autocatalyst analytically, we first use the tail behavior of waves to construct a pair of generalized super-/sub-solutions for the approximate system of the autocatalytic reaction system. Note that the autocatalytic reaction system does not enjoy comparison principle. Together with a family of truncated problems, we can establish the existence of a family of traveling waves with the minimal speed. Second, we use this pair of generalized super-/sub-solutions to show that the propagation of waves is fully determined by the rate of decay of the initial data at infinity in the sense of Aronson-Weinberger formulation, which in turn confirms the aforementioned numerical and experimental results.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了等温化学反应方案的反应扩散系统,该方案由二次自催化步骤A + B→2B和衰变步骤B→C决定,其中A,B和C是反应物,自催化剂和内部产品。先前的数值研究和实验证据表明,如果将自催化剂局部引入该自催化反应系统中,其中反应物A最初均匀地分布在整个空间中,则将产生一对波,并将从初始反应区向外传播。该现象的一个关键特征是,对于强衰减情况,波的形成与引入系统的自催化剂B的量无关。我们想在本文中解决的就是这种KPP型现象。为了分析性地研究反应物和自动催化剂的传播,我们首先使用波的尾部行为为自动催化反应系统的近似系统构造一对广义的超级/子溶液。注意,自催化反应系统不具有比较原理。连同一系列截断的问题,我们可以建立一个最小速度的行波家族。其次,我们使用这对广义的超解/子解来证明,波的传播完全由Aronson-Weinberger公式意义上的无穷大的初始数据的衰减速率决定,这反过来又证实了上述观点。数值和实验结果。



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