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Athlete's biological passport: to test or not to test?


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Human nature is inherently "competitive" and a reasonable spirit of rivalry is positive for survival and for accomplishing the daily tasks. Nevertheless, this otherwise understandable human inclination occasionally translates into a less sane spirit of "winning at any cost", which might persuade some individuals to undergo unfair and potentially harmful practices to increase body power, resistance as well as mental concentration (1). Humans have always sought to improve bodily functions and athletic performances for a variety of reasons, including political hegemony, fight supremacy and - last but not least - success in competitive sports. Therefore, classical training has been gradually supplemented with the administration of "ergogenic aids", such as natural products, chemicals and animal extracts and, more recently, synthetic substances and unfair technological practices. Since the improvement of bodily functions required to achieve top performance is not identical throughout the different sports disciplines, ergogenic aids are typically classified according to their target, i.e., for improving mental, power or endurance performance. Nevertheless, while some of these "aids" can be considered licit, several others are not, since they might corrupt the fairness of the competition, jeopardize athlete's health or both (1, 2). According to the World-Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the independent foundation that promotes, coordinates and monitors the fight against drugs in sport worldwide, doping substances and practices are classified as non-approved substances (SO; drugs or molecules not addressed by any of the subsequent sections); anabolic agents (S1); peptide hormones, growth factors and related substances (S2); (32 agonists (S3); hormone antagonists and modulators (S4); and diuretics and other masking agents (S5) (3).
机译:人性本质上是“竞争性的”,合理的竞争精神对于生存和完成日常任务是积极的。然而,这种原本可以理解的人类倾向有时会转化为一种“不惜一切代价获胜”的理智的精神,这可能会说服某些人进行不公平和潜在有害的做法,以增强身体力量,抵抗力和精神集中度(1)。出于各种原因,人类一直试图改善身体机能和运动表现,包括政治霸权,至高无上的竞争以及(最后但并非最不重要的)竞技体育的成功。因此,经典训练已经逐渐补充了“人工助剂”的管理,例如天然产物,化学药品和动物提取物,以及最近的合成物质和不公平的技术实践。由于在不同的运动学科中实现最高性能所需要的身体机能的改善并不完全相同,因此,通常根据目标来对人体工学助剂进行分类,即为了改善心理,力量或耐力表现。但是,尽管其中一些“辅助”可以被认为是合法的,但其他一些则不能,因为它们可能破坏比赛的公平性,危害运动员的健康或同时危害这两者(1、2)。根据世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)的说法,该基金会是在全球范围内促进,协调和监督与运动中的毒品作斗争的独立基金会,掺杂物质和做法被归类为未经批准的物质(SO;以下任何部分);合成代谢药物(S1);肽激素,生长因子和相关物质(S2); (32激动剂(S3);激素拮抗剂和调节剂(S4);利尿剂和其他掩蔽剂(S5)(3)。



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