首页> 外文期刊>Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine: CCLM >Evaluation of a new efficient procedure for single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping: tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction.

Evaluation of a new efficient procedure for single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping: tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction.


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Tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) is a new efficient method for single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping. To determine the optimal conditions for ARMS-PCR we attempted to genotype ten SNPs. DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood of 168 unrelated healthy Japanese volunteers. Two problems inhibited uniform efficiency of the amplification of three bands. The first problem was the lower amplification efficiency of the shorter and allele-specific products compared with the largest product. This phenomenon was overcome by increasing the relative concentration of the inner primers. The second problem was non-specific amplification of the shorter products. To reduce the amplification of these non-specific bands, adjusting any one of the following PCR conditions was effective: i) reducing the ratio of the inner primer concentration relative to that of the outer primers; ii) increasing the annealing temperature for the initial 5-10 cycles; iii)hot start PCR. With these procedures all ten of the SNPs were successfully genotyped. Our present data may be useful in the further application of tetra-primer ARMS-PCR to SNP genotyping.
机译:四引物扩增难治性突变系统-聚合酶链反应(ARMS-PCR)是一种有效的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)基因分型方法。为了确定ARMS-PCR的最佳条件,我们尝试对10个SNP进行基因分型。从168名不相关的健康日本志愿者的外周血中提取DNA。两个问题抑制了三个频带的放大的均匀效率。第一个问题是较短的等位基因特异产物与最大产物相比扩增效率较低。通过增加内部引物的相对浓度可以克服此现象。第二个问题是较短产物的非特异性扩增。为了减少这些非特异性条带的扩增,调节以下PCR条件中的任一种是有效的:i)降低内部引物浓度相对于外部引物浓度的比率; ii)在最初的5-10个循环中提高退火温度; iii)热启动PCR。通过这些程序,成功完成了所有十个SNP的基因分型。我们目前的数据可能在四引物ARMS-PCR进一步应用于SNP基因分型中有用。



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