首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Science >Impaired cerebral haemodynamic function associated with chronic traumatic brain injury in professional boxers

Impaired cerebral haemodynamic function associated with chronic traumatic brain injury in professional boxers


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The present study examined to what extent professional boxing compromises cerebral haemodynamic function and its association with CTBI (chronic traumatic brain injury). A total of 12 male professional boxers were compared with 12 age-, gender- and physical fitness-matched non-boxing controls. We assessed dCA (dynamic cerebral autoregulation; thigh-cuff technique and transfer function analysis), CVRCO2 (cerebrovascular reactivity to changes in CO2: 5% CO2 and controlled hyperventilation), orthostatic tolerance (supine to standing) and neurocognitivefunction (psychometric tests). Blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (transcranial Doppler ultrasound),mean arterial blood pressure (finger photoplethysmography), end-tidal CO2 (capnography) and corticaloxyhaemoglobin concentration (near-IR spectroscopy) were continuously measured. Boxers were characterized byfronto-temporal neurocognitive dysfunction and impaired dCA as indicated by a lower rate of regulation andautoregulatory index (P0.05 compared with controls). Likewise, CVRCO2 was also reduced resulting in a lowerCVRCO2 range (P0.05 compared with controls). The latter was most marked in boxers with the highest CTBIscores and correlated against the volume and intensity of sparring during training (r= -0.84, P0.05). Theseimpairments coincided with more marked orthostatic hypotension, cerebral hypoperfusion and corresponding cortical de-oxygenation during orthostatic stress (P0.05 compared with controls). In conclusion, these findings provide the first comprehensive evidence for chronically impaired cerebral haemodynamic function in active boxersdue to the mechanical trauma incurred by repetitive, sub-concussive head impact incurred during sparring training. This may help explain why CTBI is a progressive disease that manifests beyond the active boxing career.
机译:本研究研究了专业拳击在多大程度上损害了脑血流动力学功能及其与CTBI(慢性颅脑损伤)的关系。将总共​​12位男性专业拳击手与12位年龄,性别和身体健康匹配的非拳击手进行比较。我们评估了dCA(动态脑自动调节;大腿套​​囊技术和传递功能分析),CVRCO2(脑血管对CO2变化的反应性:5%CO2和控制性过度通气),体位耐受性(仰卧至站立状态)和神经认知功能(心理测验)。连续测量大脑中动脉的血流速度(经颅多普勒超声),平均动脉血压(手指光体积描记术),潮气末二氧化碳(二氧化碳描记图)和皮质氧基血红蛋白浓度(近红外光谱法)。拳击手的特征是额颞颞神经认知功能障碍和dCA受损,其调节和自律指数较低(与对照组相比,P <0.05)表明。同样,CVRCO2也降低,导致CVRCO2范围降低(与对照组相比,P <0.05)。后者在拳击手中具有最高的CTBI评分,得分最高,并且与训练期间陪练的数量和强度相关(r = -0.84,P <0.05)。这些障碍与体位性应激期间体位性低血压,脑灌注不足和相应的皮质脱氧现象更为明显(与对照组相比,P <0.05)。综上所述,这些发现为在运动拳击手中长期遭受的脑血流动力学功能慢性损伤提供了首个综合证据,这是由于在陪练训练过程中反复,次脑震荡冲击头部而导致的机械损伤。这可能有助于解释为什么CTBI是一种进展性疾病,其表现超出活跃的拳击职业。



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