首页> 外文期刊>Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine: CCLM >Estimating glomerular filtration rate.

Estimating glomerular filtration rate.


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Glomerular filtration is an effective indicator of kidney function. Blood, plasma or serum creatinine and urine albumin and creatinine are the most common laboratory tests used to assess glomerular function. The parameters of most physiologic interest are the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the albumin excretion rate (AER) both of which are difficult to derive from the corresponding laboratory measurements. GFR measured as clearance of creatinine and the excretion rate of albumin require 24 h urine collection which is inconvenient for patients and consequently poorly executed. Furthermore, creatinine has limitations as a filtration marker due to variable rates of production from muscle metabolism and secretion by the proximal tubules. Soares et al., in this issue provide an excellent review of GFR measurement and prediction equations, and urine albumin measurement (1). The Laboratory Working Group of the National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP, USA) has published recommendations on both topics (2, 3).
机译:肾小球滤过是肾功能的有效指标。血液,血浆或血清肌酐,尿白蛋白和肌酐是用于评估肾小球功能的最常见的实验室检查。最重要的生理学参数是肾小球滤过率(GFR)和白蛋白排泄率(AER),这两个参数很难从相应的实验室测量中得出。用肌酐清除率和白蛋白排泄率测量的GFR需要收集24小时尿液,这对患者来说很不方便,因此执行不佳。此外,由于肌代谢和近端小管的分泌速率不同,肌酐作为过滤标记物也存在局限性。 Soares等人在本期中提供了有关GFR测量和预测方程式以及尿白蛋白测量的出色综述(1)。美国国家肾脏病教育计划实验室工作组(NKDEP,USA)已针对这两个主题发表了建议(2,3)。



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