首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical gastroenterology >Liver abnormalities associated with celiac sprue. How common are they, what is their significance, and what do we do about them?

Liver abnormalities associated with celiac sprue. How common are they, what is their significance, and what do we do about them?


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We prospectively measured serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate and alanine transaminase (AST/ALT), and tested sera for antinuclear, smooth-muscle, and antimitochondrial antibodies (ANA, SMA, AMA) in our patients with celiac sprue to determine the prevalence of associated liver abnormalities and its relevance to clinical management. Of 129 patients, ALP was the only elevated enzyme in 12 (9%) and in most cases was not thought to reflect significant liver disease. Seventeen (13%) had elevated AST and/or ALT with normal ALP. Levels normalized in 15 patients after dietary gluten exclusion and remained elevated in 2 noncompliers. Two patients (2%) with elevated AST, ALT, and ALP underwent further investigation: one had negative autoantibodies, liver biopsy, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and the other had ANA-positive chronic active hepatitis; enzymes in both cases improved with a gluten-free diet. There was no significant association between elevated AST/ALT and positive ANA/SMA; no patient had AMA. Abnormalities in liver enzymes are common in celiac sprue, but usually respond to dietary gluten exclusion. We propose that there is no need for invasive liver investigation in these patients unless there is more specific evidence of primary liver disease or failure of dietary response.
机译:我们前瞻性地测量了腹腔灌流患者的血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP),天冬氨酸和丙氨酸转氨酶(AST / ALT),并测试了血清中抗核,平滑肌和抗线粒体抗体(ANA,SMA,AMA)的发生率相关的肝异常及其与临床管理的关系。在129名患者中,ALP是12种(9%)中唯一升高的酶,在大多数情况下,ALP被认为不能反映出明显的肝脏疾病。 17名(13%)的ALP正常时AST和/或ALT升高。饮食中的麸质排除后,15例患者的水平恢复正常,2例不符合标准的患者水平保持升高。两名患者(2%)的AST,ALT和ALP升高,接受了进一步的检查:一名患者自身抗体阴性,肝活检和内镜逆行胆管造影,另一名ANA阳性慢性活动性肝炎。在两种情况下,无麸质饮食都能改善酶。 AST / ALT升高与ANA / SMA阳性之间无显着相关性。没有患者患有AMA。腹腔灌肠中常见肝酶异常,但通常对饮食中的面筋排斥有反应。我们建议,除非有更具体的原发性肝病或饮食反应不良的证据,否则这些患者无需进行侵入性肝脏检查。



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