首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Corneal flap complications in refractive surgery. Part 1: development of an experimental animal model.

Corneal flap complications in refractive surgery. Part 1: development of an experimental animal model.


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To report the outcome, learning curve, and complication rates of an experimental animal model for corneal flaps in refractive surgery.Magill Research Center for Vision Correction, Storm Eye Institute, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.Corneal flaps with a nasal or a temporal hinge were created in 190 eyes of 95 Dutch Belted rabbits using the Automated Corneal Shaper((R)) microkeratome (Bausch & Lomb Surgical). Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) was induced by inoculating the corneal interfaces with 1 of 7 substances. Postoperatively, the eyes were examined with a slitlamp. Special emphasis was placed on corneal flap complications and the relationship between slipped flaps and hinge position and/or inoculation agent.A good corneal flap was achieved in 174 eyes (92%). The eyes with a nasal hinge had a lower incidence of slipped flaps (14%) than eyes with a temporal hinge (37%) (P =.02).With the animal model described, corneal flaps were created in a precise and reproducible way in more than 90% of eyes. Nasal hinged flaps showed less postoperative displacements than temporal hinged flaps and are adequate for further study.
机译:报告屈光手术中角膜瓣实验动物模型的结果,学习曲线和并发症发生率美国南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿暴风眼研究所麦吉尔视力矫正研究中心鼻或颞关节的角膜瓣使用Automated Corneal Shaper(R)微型角膜刀(Bausch&Lomb Surgical)在190只眼睛中对95只荷兰带状兔子进行了实验。通过用7种物质中的1种接种角膜界面可诱发弥漫性层状角膜炎(DLK)。术后,用裂隙灯检查眼睛。特别强调角膜瓣的并发症以及皮瓣的滑动与铰链位置和/或接种剂之间的关系.174眼(92%)取得了良好的角膜瓣。鼻部铰链眼的皮瓣滑行发生率(14%)比颞部枢纽眼的皮瓣发生率低(37%)(P = .02)。通过上述动物模型,角膜皮瓣的制作是精确且可复制的在超过90%的眼睛中。鼻铰接皮瓣术后移位少于颞铰接皮瓣,足以用于进一步研究。



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