首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Oncology >Plasma c-erbB-2 levels in breast cancer patients: prognostic significance in predicting response to chemotherapy.

Plasma c-erbB-2 levels in breast cancer patients: prognostic significance in predicting response to chemotherapy.


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PURPOSE: To determine the significance of plasma c-erbB-2 levels to assess the extent of disease spread and to predict the response to chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer patients. METHODS: We determined plasma levels of c-erbB-2 in 79 stages II and III breast cancer patients who received cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and flourouracil (CMF)/cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil, vincristine, and prednisone (CMFVP) chemotherapy. All patients had a minimum follow-up of greater than 60 months or until disease recurrence. Plasma samples were obtained before and after chemotherapy. Plasma c-erbB-2 levels were quantified by enzyme-linked immunoassay. c-erbB-2 levels were analyzed in relation to the patients' axillary lymph node status, menopausal status, disease status, disease-free survival (DFS), and steroid receptor status of tumor. RESULTS: Plasma c-erbB-2 levels varied widely in breast cancer patients. In general, when all patients were included in the analyses, plasma c-erbB-2 levels before chemotherapy correlated significantly with the number of positive axillary lymph nodes and with postchemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels. No association was observed between pre- or postchemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels and other variables (patients' age at diagnosis, receptor status of the tumor, or disease status). The prognostic significance of different factors (ie, nodal status [one to three v > three positive nodes], menopausal status [pre- v postmenopausal women], estrogen receptor [ER] status [ER+ v ER-], and pre- and postchemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels) in predicting DFS was determined in all study patients. Among the variables examined, nodal status was the strongest predictor of DFS in these patients. The second most significant prognostic marker was postchemotherapy c-erbB-2 level. Prechemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels showed prognostic significance for DFS in a subset of breast cancer patients (ie, patients with > three positive nodes). Patients with greater than three positive lymph nodes and those with greater than 100 fmol/mL of plasma c-erbB-2 levels before therapy had significantly shorter DFS than did those patients with 100 fmol/mL or less c-erbB-2 levels. CONCLUSION: In breast cancer patients, determination of c-erbB-2 levels before therapy is an important biomarker to assess the extent of disease spread in the lymph nodes. Postchemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels are also a prognostic indicator for DFS in patients who receive chemotherapy. Finally, in a subgroup of patients with greater than three positive nodes, prechemotherapy c-erbB-2 levels are a prognostic marker for response of patients to standard chemotherapy.
机译:目的:确定血浆c-erbB-2水平的重要性,以评估疾病扩散程度并预测淋巴结阳性乳腺癌患者对化疗的反应。方法:我们测定了79例接受环磷酰胺,氨甲蝶呤和氟尿嘧啶(CMF)/环磷酰胺,氨甲蝶呤,氟尿嘧啶,长春新碱和泼尼松(CMFVP)化疗的II和III期乳腺癌患者的c-erbB-2血浆水平。所有患者的最小随访时间均大于60个月或直至疾病复发。在化疗之前和之后获取血浆样品。通过酶联免疫测定法定量血浆c-erbB-2水平。根据患者的腋窝淋巴结状态,更年期状态,疾病状态,无病生存期(DFS)和类固醇受体状态分析了c-erbB-2水平。结果:乳腺癌患者血浆c-erbB-2水平差异很大。通常,当所有患者都纳入分析后,化疗前血浆c-erbB-2水平与阳性腋窝淋巴结数目和化疗后c-erbB-2水平显着相关。化疗前后的c-erbB-2水平与其他变量(诊断时的患者年龄,肿瘤的受体状态或疾病状态)之间没有相关性。不同因素的预后意义(即淋巴结状态[一到三个v>三个阳性淋巴结],更年期状态[绝经前v绝经后妇女],雌激素受体[ER]状态[ER + v ER-]以及化疗前后)在所有研究患者中均确定了预测DFS的c-erbB-2水平)。在检查的变量中,这些患者的淋巴结状态是DFS的最强预测因子。第二个最重要的预后指标是化疗后c-erbB-2水平。化学治疗前的c-erbB-2水平在一部分乳腺癌患者(即具有三个以上阳性淋巴结的患者)中显示出DFS的预后意义。治疗前具有三个以上阳性淋巴结的患者和血浆c-erbB-2水平高于100 fmol / mL的患者的DFS明显低于那些具有100 fmol / mL或更低c-erbB-2水平的患者。结论:在乳腺癌患者中,治疗前测定c-erbB-2水平是评估疾病在淋巴结中扩散程度的重要生物标志物。化疗后c-erbB-2水平也是接受化疗的患者DFS的预后指标。最后,在具有三个以上阳性淋巴结的患者亚组中,化疗前c-erbB-2水平是患者对标准化疗反应的预后指标。



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