首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational Physics >MIB method for elliptic equations with multi-material interfaces

MIB method for elliptic equations with multi-material interfaces


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Elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used to model real-world problems. Due to the heterogeneous characteristics of many naturally occurring materials and man-made structures, devices, and equipments, one frequently needs to solve elliptic PDEs with discontinuous coefficients and singular sources. The development of high-order elliptic interface schemes has been an active research field for decades. However, challenges remain in the construction of high-order schemes and particularly, for nonsmooth interfaces, i.e., interfaces with geometric singularities. The challenge of geometric singularities is amplified when they are originated from two or more material interfaces joining together or crossing each other. High-order methods for elliptic equations with multi-material interfaces have not been reported in the literature to our knowledge. The present work develops matched interface and boundary (MIB) method based schemes for solving two-dimensional (2D) elliptic PDEs with geometric singularities of multi-material interfaces. A number of new MIB schemes are constructed to account for all possible topological variations due to two-material interfaces. The geometric singularities of three-material interfaces are significantly more difficult to handle. Three new MIB schemes are designed to handle a variety of geometric situations and topological variations, although not all of them. The performance of the proposed new MIB schemes is validated by numerical experiments with a wide range of coefficient contrasts, geometric singularities, and solution types. Extensive numerical studies confirm the designed second order accuracy of the MIB method for multi-material interfaces, including a case where the derivative of the solution diverges.



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