首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Composite Materials >Improved mechanical properties of a water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber composite reinforced with amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers

Improved mechanical properties of a water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber composite reinforced with amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers


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The mechanical properties of a water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber composite reinforced using amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers are evaluated for ultimate tensile strength, Young's modulus, ductility and fatigue life at 60?. The amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers are dispersed in the water-activated polyurethane matrix at 0.4 weight percent (wt%) with respect to the glass fabric for comparison with the neat (or 0.0wt% amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers) water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber composite material. Fatigue tests were performed at a stress-ratio (R-ratio)=+0.9. This cyclic loading level and temperature conditions would simulate a vibro-creep-fatigue type loading and response condition. The results showed that the water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber composite when reinforced with amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers (amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber nanocomposite) had improved tensile strength, ductility and fatigue life properties in comparison to the neat composite, but there was a reduction in Young's modulus in this nanocomposite material at high applied load levels. This amino-functionalized carbon nanofibers water-activated polyurethane-glass fiber nanocomposite could have worldwide applications for external surface repair or rehabilitation on existing civil-mechanical structures such as concrete or metal pilings, vessels and piping, to achieve an extended operational life under elevated temperatures and fatigue-type loading conditions.
机译:用氨基官能化的碳纳米纤维增强了水活化聚氨酯-玻璃纤维复合材料的机械性能,以评估其最终拉伸强度,杨氏模量,延展性和60疲劳寿命。相对于玻璃织物,氨基官能化的碳纳米纤维以0.4重量%(wt%)的比例分散在水活化的聚氨酯基质中,用于与纯净(或0.0wt%的氨基官能化的碳纳米纤维)进行纯净。玻璃纤维复合材料。以应力比(R-ratio)= + 0.9进行疲劳测试。该循环载荷水平和温度条件将模拟振动蠕变疲劳类型的载荷和响应条件。结果表明,与氨基官能化碳纳米纤维(氨基官能化碳纳米纤维水活化聚氨酯-玻璃纤维纳米复合材料)增强相比,水活化聚氨酯-玻璃纤维复合材料具有更高的拉伸强度,延展性和疲劳寿命性能。纯净的复合材料,但是在高施加载荷水平下,这种纳米复合材料的杨氏模量有所降低。这种氨基官能化的碳纳米纤维水活化聚氨酯-玻璃纤维纳米复合材料可在世界范围内应用于现有民用机械结构(如混凝土或金属桩,容器和管道)的外表面修复或修复,以延长高温下的使用寿命。和疲劳型加载条件。



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