首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Biological >A method to calculate the one-electron reduction potentials for nitroaromatic compounds based on gas-phase quantum mechanics

A method to calculate the one-electron reduction potentials for nitroaromatic compounds based on gas-phase quantum mechanics


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Nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) are widespread environmental contaminants, and the one-electron reduction potential (EaoH) is an important parameter used in modeling their environmental fate. We have identified a method that is both accurate and efficient to predict EaoH values for NACs, using gas-phase quantum mechanics (QM) calculations combined with empirical correlations. First, the adiabatic electron affinity (EA) at 0 K is calculated using the B98/MG3S method, and the predictions are scaled by a factor of 0.802 to account for systematic errors in the density functional calculations. Second, the EaoH values are predicted from a linear correlation between EaoH and EA. Using this method, EaoH values were predicted with a mean absolute deviation from measured values of 0.021 V for the 14 NACs used to obtain the correlation and 0.029 V for six additional NACs. This represents a substantial improvement in accuracy over predictions by other QM methods, which are affected by large errors in solvation or aqueous-phase calculations for some compounds.
机译:硝基芳族化合物(NAC)是广泛的环境污染物,单电子还原势(EaoH)是用于模拟其环境命运的重要参数。我们已经使用气相量子力学(QM)计算结合经验相关性,确定了一种准确而有效的方法来预测NAC的EaoH值。首先,使用B98 / MG3S方法计算0 K处的绝热电子亲和力(EA),并将预测值缩放0.802,以解决密度函数计算中的系统误差。其次,根据EaoH与EA之间的线性相关性来预测EaoH值。使用此方法,对于用于获得相关性的14个NAC,预测的EaoH值与测量值的平均绝对偏差为0.021 V,对于另外六个NAC,预测的EaoH值为0.029V。与其他QM方法的预测相比,这代表了准确性的显着提高,这些方法受某些化合物的溶剂化或水相计算中的大误差影响。



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