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The effect of injection duration and injection site on pain and bruising of subcutaneous injection of heparin


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Aims and objectives: To determine and compare the effects of four methods of subcutaneous heparin injection on pain and bruising in abdomen and thighs. Background: Subcutaneous heparin injection is a common nursing clinical intervention. Nurses frequently inject heparin subcutaneously and this action often results in some complications such as bruising, haematoma, pain and induration in the injection site. There are also some other factors inducing complications associated with heparin injection, including the injection site and the injection duration. Design: A quasi-experimental within-subject design. Methods: This study was conducted on 90 patients with COPD hospitalised in two ICU wards at two teaching hospitals in urban areas of Iran. They were administered heparin subcutaneously, 4000 units every 12 hours. Each patient received four injections in their abdomen and thighs, using four different methods. The number and size of bruising at the injection site were measured through a flexible millimetre ruler, 48 hours after each injection. The severity of pain was measured through pain visual analogue scale immediately after each injection. Collected data were analysed by descriptive and analytical statistics using spss 11.5 software. Results: In the method 15 seconds injection duration and waiting for 5 seconds before withdrawing the needle, the number of bruising was significantly lower and size of bruising was significantly smaller, but no significant difference was found in the severity of pain. However, in other methods, the severity of pain in thighs was significantly higher than in abdomen, but no statistically significant difference was reported between the size and number of bruising in abdomen and thighs. Conclusions: The method 15 seconds injection duration and waiting for 5 seconds before withdrawing the needle is recommended to be used for subcutaneous heparin injection by clinical nurses. As to the results, the severity of pain in abdomen was lower than in thighs. Relevance to clinical practice: This study proposed a suitable method for subcutaneous heparin injection in order to reduce pain and bruising.
机译:目的和目的:确定和比较四种皮下注射肝素的方法对腹部和大腿疼痛和瘀伤的影响。背景:肝素皮下注射是一种常见的护理临床干预措施。护士经常在皮下注射肝素,这种操作通常会导致一些并发症,例如瘀伤,血肿,疼痛和注射部位的硬结。还有其他一些因素会引起与肝素注射相关的并发症,包括注射部位和注射时间。设计:准实验主题内设计。方法:本研究是在伊朗城市地区的两家教学医院的两个ICU病房住院的90例COPD患者中进行的。他们每12小时皮下注射4000单位肝素。每个患者使用四种不同的方法在腹部和大腿上进行四次注射。每次注射后48小时,通过挠性毫米尺测量注射部位瘀伤的数量和大小。每次注射后立即通过疼痛视觉模拟量表测量疼痛的严重程度。使用spss 11.5软件通过描述性和分析性统计分析收集的数据。结果:在15秒钟的注射持续时间和拔针之前等待5秒钟的方法中,瘀伤的次数明显减少,瘀伤的大小明显减小,但疼痛的严重程度没有显着差异。但是,在其他方法中,大腿疼痛的严重程度明显高于腹部,但腹部和大腿的瘀伤大小和数量之间没有统计学上的显着差异。结论:临床护士推荐皮下注射肝素的方法为:注射时间15秒,拔针前等待5秒。至于结果,腹部疼痛的严重程度低于大腿。与临床实践的相关性:本研究提出了一种适合皮下注射肝素的方法,以减轻疼痛和瘀伤。



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