
Diagnostic and therapeutic considerations for sinus pericranii.


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Sinus pericranii is one of the differential diagnoses which should be considered when a physician encounters a patient with a subcutaneous soft scalp mass. Sinus pericranii is a rare vascular anomaly of the venous drainage between the intracranial and extracranial systems via the diploe of the skull. We describe here a 16-year-old female with sinus pericranii following minor head trauma four years prior. CT and MRI scans revealed heterogeneous enhancement of the lesion and three-dimensional CT showed a crater-like depression and multiple honeycomb diploic holes in the skull. Angiography was normal, whereas percutaneous sinusography revealed a connection between the lesion and the superior sagittal sinus. The patient underwent surgery to disconnect her diploic veins from the lesion under general anaesthesia, and her postoperative course was uneventful after six months follow-up. To avoid profuse bleeding and air emboli and to ameliorate cosmetic problems, a specific diagnosis should be made to plan appropriate treatment.
机译:窦周膜是医师在遇到皮下软性头皮肿块患者时应考虑的鉴别诊断之一。窦周膜是颅内和颅外系统之间通过颅骨的diploe引起的静脉引流的罕见血管异常。我们在此描述了一名四岁前头部轻微外伤后患有窦周炎的16岁女性。 CT和MRI扫描显示病灶异质性增强,三维CT显示颅骨内有火山口样凹陷和多个蜂窝状外交孔。血管造影正常,而经皮鼻窦造影显示病变与上矢状窦之间存在联系。病人在全身麻醉下接受了手术,以将其外交静脉从病变处断开,术后六个月的随访过程平稳。为避免大量出血和空气栓塞并改善美容问题,应做出具体诊断以计划适当的治疗。



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