首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Comparative Physiology, A. Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology >The PM1 neurons, movement sensitive centrifugal visual brain neurons in the locust: anatomy, physiology, and modulation by identified octopaminergic neurons

The PM1 neurons, movement sensitive centrifugal visual brain neurons in the locust: anatomy, physiology, and modulation by identified octopaminergic neurons


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The locust's optic lobe contains a system of wide-field, multimodal, centrifugal neurons. Two of these cells, the protocerebrum-medulla-neurons PM4a and b, are octopaminergic. This paper describes a second pair of large centrifugal neurons (the protocerebrum-medulla-neurons PM1a and PM1b) from the brain of Locusta migratoria based on intracellular cobalt fills, electrophysiology, and immunocytochemistry. They originate and arborise in the central brain and send processes into the medulla of the optic lobe. Double intracellular recording from the same cell suggests input in the central brain and output in the optic lobe. The neurons show immunoreactivity to gamma-amino-butyric acid and its synthesising enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase. The PM1 cells are movement sensitive and show habituation to repeated visual stimulation. Bath application of octopamine causes the response to dishabituate. A very similar effect is produced by electrical stimulation of one of an octopaminergic PM4 neuron. This effect can be blocked by application of the octopamine antagonists, mianserin and phentolamine. This readily accessible system of four wide-field neurons provides a system suitable for the investigation of octopaminergic effects on the visual system at the cellular level.
机译:蝗虫的视瓣包含一个广域,多峰,离心神经元系统。这些细胞中的两个,即原脑髓质神经元PM4a和b,是章胺能的。本文基于细胞内钴填充,电生理学和免疫细胞化学方法,描述了来自南方蝗(Locusta migratoria)大脑的第二对大型离心神经元(原脑神经元PM1a和PM1b)。它们起源于脑中部并在脑中排列,然后将过程发送到视神经延髓。来自同一细胞的两次胞内记录表明在大脑中部的输入和在视叶中的输出。神经元对γ-氨基丁酸及其合成酶谷氨酸脱羧酶具有免疫反应性。 PM1细胞对运动敏感,并表现出对反复视觉刺激的习惯。浴中施用章鱼胺会导致反应不适。电刺激章鱼胺能PM4神经元之一会产生非常相似的效果。可以通过使用章鱼胺拮抗剂米安色林和酚妥拉明来阻断这种作用。这个由四个广域神经元组成的易于访问的系统提供了一个适合在细胞水平上研究视觉系统中章鱼胺能作用的系统。



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