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The recognition of symmetric latin squares


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A latin square S is isotopic to another latin square S if S can be obtained from S by permuting the row indices, the column indices and the symbols in S. Because the three permutations used above may all be different, a latin square which is isotopic to a symmetric latin square need not be symmetric. We call the problem of determining whether a latin square is isotopic to a symmetric latin square the symmetry recognition problem. It is the purpose of this article to give a solution to this problem. For this purpose we will introduce a cocycle corresponding to a latin square which transforms very simply under isotopy, and we show this cocycle contains all the information needed to determine whether a latin square is isotopic to a symmetric latin square. Our results relate to 1-factorizations of the complete graph on n + 1 vertices, Kn + 1. There is a well known construction which can be used to make an n × n latin square from a 1-factorization on n + 1 vertices. The symmetric idempotent latin squares are exactly the latin squares that result from this construction. The idempotent recognition problem is simple for symmetric latin squares, so our results enable us to recognize exactly which latin squares arise from 1-factorizations of Kn + 1. As an example we show that the patterned starter 1-factorization for the group G gives rise to a latin square which is in the main class of the Cayley latin square for G if and only if G is abelian. Hence, every non-abelian group gives rise to two latin squares in different main classes.
机译:如果可以通过对S中的行索引,列索引和符号进行置换而从S中获得S,则一个拉丁方S与另一个拉丁方S是同位的。由于上面使用的三个排列可能都不同,因此,一个同位素同方的拉丁方对称的拉丁方不需要对称。我们将确定拉丁方是否与对称拉丁方同位的问题称为对称识别问题。本文的目的是为这个问题提供解决方案。为此,我们将引入一个对应于拉丁方的同构环,该同构环在同位素作用下非常简单地进行转换,并且我们展示了该同环包含确定拉丁方是否与对称拉丁方同位的所有信息。我们的结果与n + 1个顶点Kn + 1上完整图的1因子分解有关。存在一种众所周知的构造,可以用来根据n + 1顶点的1因子分解制作n×n拉丁方。对称的幂等拉丁方正是这种结构产生的拉丁方。幂等识别问题对于对称拉丁方来说很简单,因此我们的结果使我们能够准确地识别出哪些拉丁方是由Kn + 1的1分解产生的。例如,我们证明了G组的图形化启动器1分解产生了当且仅当G是阿贝尔语时,才是在Cayley拉丁方类的主要类别中的拉丁方。因此,每个非阿贝尔族在不同的主要类别中产生两个拉丁方。



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