首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community psychology >Empowerment and public policy: An exploration of the implications of Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Empowerment and public policy: An exploration of the implications of Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act


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The ability of individuals to gain mastery over their environment is considered empowerment. However, empowerment often is assessed without attention to the historical, social, or political context the individual is embedded within. This context often is contingent upon social policies that enhance or limit the choices an individual has to behave in ways constructed as efficacious. One example of such a policy is Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which mandated a lifetime ban on welfare benefits to individuals convicted of a drug-related felony. This study examines the policy's implications from the perspective of empowerment. Specifically, we explore the characteristics of those targeted by the policy and what the denial of welfare benefits is likely to mean for this group. Using the sequential application of case study and survey methods, we first reviewed 250 court files of female drug offenders in one midwestern county, finding that most who were convicted of a drug felony received sentences of community probation, predominantly for use and possession. Second, we conducted face-to-face interviews with a subsample of 52 drug-convicted women who otherwise were eligible for welfare benefits and compared them with the general welfare-to-work population. The women in our sample had more severe barriers to self-sufficiency, including less education, higher rates of domestic violence, higher likelihood of recent major depression, and substantially higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder. Our findings suggest that the current national policy of denying welfare benefits based on a felony conviction status is unlikely to deter drug use or promote self-efficacy unless accompanied by effective mental-health services, help with employment, and supports to ensure a safe living environment.
机译:个人掌握环境的能力被认为是授权。但是,对赋权的评估往往没有关注个人所处的历史,社会或政治背景。这种情况通常取决于社会政策,这些政策会增强或限制个人必须以有效方式进行的选择。这种政策的一个例子是1996年《个人责任和工作机会法》第115条,该条规定终身禁止向因毒品相关重罪被定罪的个人提供福利。这项研究从授权的角度研究了政策的含义。具体来说,我们探讨了该政策所针对的人群的特征,以及剥夺该群体的福利可能意味着什么。使用个案研究和调查方法的顺序应用,我们首先回顾了中西部一个县的250名女性毒品罪犯的法院档案,发现大多数因犯有毒品重罪而被定罪的人受到社区缓刑,主要是为使用和拥有。其次,我们进行了面对面的访谈,对52名原本有资格获得福利的毒品犯罪妇女进行了抽样调查,并将其与一般的以工作为目的的人群进行了比较。在我们的样本中,女性的自给自足障碍更为严重,包括受教育程度较低,家庭暴力发生率较高,近期发生严重抑郁症的可能性较高以及创伤后应激障碍的发生率显着较高。我们的研究结果表明,除非有有效的心理健康服务,就业帮助和支持确保安全的生活环境,否则目前基于重罪定罪状态拒绝福利的国家政策不太可能阻止药物使用或提高自我效能。 。



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