首页> 外文期刊>Clinical journal of gastroenterology >Reseetable gallbladder cancer presenting with acute pancreatitis caused by hemobilia

Reseetable gallbladder cancer presenting with acute pancreatitis caused by hemobilia


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Abstract A 79-year-old female was transferred to our hospital because of suspicion that her acute pancreatitis was caused by stone impaction in the common bile duct (CBD). Laboratory examination showed aspartate amino-transferase, 1645 U/l; alanine aminotransferase, 476 U/l; amylase, 1365 U/l; and white blood cells, 10700/ul. Computed tomography (CT) showed an enhanced tumor in the neck of the gallbladder, an abnormal CBD filled with a high-density area, and localized swelling in the head of the pancreas. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography also showed a low-intensity area in the CBD. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography showed coagulated blood discharged from the papilla of Vater. The diagnosis was acute pancreatitis caused by impaction of coagulated blood from a gallbladder tumor. A curative operation was performed 10 days after endoscopic bile duct drainage. Gallbladder cancer (GBCa) has no special symptoms and is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage; however, hemobilia and acute pancreatitis are unusual as an initial presentation of GBCa.
机译:摘要一名79岁的女性因怀疑她的急性胰腺炎是由胆总管结石引起的,因此被转移到我院。实验室检查显示天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶为1645 U / l。丙氨酸氨基转移酶,476 U / l;淀粉酶,1365 U / l;和白细胞,10700 / ul。计算机断层扫描(CT)显示胆囊颈部肿瘤增强,CBD异常并充满高密度区域,并且胰头局部肿胀。磁共振胰胆管造影也显示了CBD中的低强度区域。内镜逆行胰胆管造影显示凝结的血液从Vater的乳头排出。诊断为急性胆囊炎是由胆囊肿瘤凝结的血液撞击引起的。内镜下胆管引流术后10天进行治愈性手术。胆囊癌(GBCa)没有特殊症状,通常诊断为晚期。然而,胆汁淤积和急性胰腺炎作为GBCa的最初表现并不常见。



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