首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical psychology >Illuminating a Neglected Clinical Issue: Societal Costs of Interpersonal Dependency and Dependent Personality Disorder

Illuminating a Neglected Clinical Issue: Societal Costs of Interpersonal Dependency and Dependent Personality Disorder


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Objectives: To determine the degree to which patients with high levels of trait dependency or dependent personality disorder (DPD) engage in behaviors that harm themselves and others (e.g., domestic violence, child abuse). Method: Six domains of literature were reviewed: (a) dependency as a risk factor for physical illness; (b) health care utilization and expenditures; (c) global and domain-specific functional impairment; (d) violence toward others; (e) victimization by others; and (f) self-harm. Results: High levels of trait dependency and DPD are associated with elevated risk for physical illness, partner and child abuse, and suicidality, as well as with high levels of functional impairment and increased health care expenditure. Conclusions: Contrary to clinical lore, trait dependency and DPD are associated with behaviors that lead to myriad negative consequences for the dependent person, those close to them, and society as a whole. These patterns have noteworthy implications for assessment and treatment of dependent patients and suggest that DPD should be included as a diagnostic category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition.
机译:目的:确定高水平的特质依赖性或依赖性人格障碍(DPD)患者从事伤害自己和他人的行为(例如家庭暴力,虐待儿童)的程度。方法:回顾了六个文献领域:(a)依赖是身体疾病的危险因素; (b)医疗保健的利用和支出; (c)全局和特定领域的功能障碍; (d)对他人的暴力行为; (e)他人受害; (f)自残。结果:高水平的性格依赖和DPD与身体疾病,伴侣和儿童虐待,自杀倾向的风险增加,以及高水平的功能障碍和医疗保健支出增加有关。结论:与临床知识相反,特质依赖和DPD与行为有关,这些行为导致对受抚养者,与之亲密的人以及整个社会造成无数负面影响。这些模式对依赖患者的评估和治疗具有显着意义,并建议将DPD列入《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》第五版的诊断类别。



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