首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Climate >Regional patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific climate change: evidence of the Walker circulation weakening.

Regional patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific climate change: evidence of the Walker circulation weakening.


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Regional patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific climate change are investigated over the last six decades based on a synthesis of in situ observations and ocean model simulations, with a focus on physical consistency among sea surface temperature (SST), cloud, sea level pressure (SLP), surface wind, and subsurface ocean temperature. A newly developed bias-corrected surface wind dataset displays westerly trends over the western tropical Pacific and easterly trends over the tropical Indian Ocean, indicative of a slowdown of the Walker circulation. This pattern of wind change is consistent with that of observed SLP change showing positive trends over the Maritime Continent and negative trends over the central equatorial Pacific. Suppressed moisture convergence over the Maritime Continent is largely due to surface wind changes, contributing to observed decreases in marine cloudiness and land precipitation there. Furthermore, observed ocean mixed layer temperatures indicate a reduction in zonal contrast in the tropical Indo-Pacific characterized by larger warming in the tropical eastern Pacific and western Indian Ocean than in the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean. Similar changes are successfully simulated by an ocean general circulation model forced with the bias-corrected wind stress. Whereas results from major SST reconstructions show no significant change in zonal gradient in the tropical Indo-Pacific, both bucket-sampled SSTs and nighttime marine air temperatures (NMAT) show a weakening of the zonal gradient consistent with the subsurface temperature changes. All these findings from independent observations provide robust evidence for ocean-atmosphere coupling associated with the reduction in the Walker circulation over the last six decades.
机译:根据对原位观测和海洋模型模拟的综合研究,在过去的六十年中研究了印度洋-太平洋热带气候变化的区域格局,重点是海面温度(SST),云,海平面压力(SLP)之间的物理一致性。 ),地表风和地下海洋温度。新近开发的经偏向校正的地表风数据集显示了热带西太平洋的西风趋势和热带印度洋的东风趋势,这表明沃克环流有所放缓。这种风的变化模式与观测到的SLP变化相一致,表明海事大陆上出现了积极趋势,而赤道中太平洋地区出现了消极趋势。海上大陆的水分汇聚受到抑制的主要原因是地表风的变化,导致观测到的海洋云量和那里的土地降水减少。此外,观测到的海洋混合层温度表明,热带印度洋-太平洋的区域对比度降低了,其特征是热带东太平洋和印度洋西部的变暖幅度大于热带西太平洋和印度洋东部。类似的变化可以通过强迫偏置校正风应力的海洋总环流模型成功模拟。 SST重建的主要结果表明,在热带印度太平洋中纬向梯度没有明显变化,而用桶采样的SST和夜间海洋气温(NMAT)都显示出与地下温度变化一致的纬向梯度减弱。来自独立观测的所有这些发现为过去六十年来与沃克环流减少相关的海洋-大气耦合提供了有力的证据。



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