首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemometrics >Statistical design, structural analysis, and in vitro susceptibility assay of antimicrobial peptoids to combat bacterial infections

Statistical design, structural analysis, and in vitro susceptibility assay of antimicrobial peptoids to combat bacterial infections


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Antimicrobial peptoids (ampetoids) have been established as a new and attractive class of antibiotic agent to combat bacterial infections with high bioavailability, strong metabolic stability, and low in vivo toxicity. Here, we reported successful design of short ampetoids by integrating chemometrics/cheminformatics techniques and in vitro susceptibility test. In the procedure, a novel panel of natural and N-substituted amino acid descriptors was derived by principal component analysis of hundreds of constitutional, topological, geometrical, and physicochemical properties, which was then used to characterize and model the statistical regression relationship between the structural feature and antibacterial activity of known antimicrobial peptides. The resulting best quantitative structure-activity relationship predictor confirmed by Monte Carlo cross validation was employed to perform high-throughput virtual screening against a combinatorial ampeptod library, from which five ampeptod candidates were identified and their antibacterial potencies against two clinical bacterial strains, that is, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC33591 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853, were measured using a standard microtiter broth dilution method. Consequently, three ampeptoids (IK-Nssb-NLys-VRK-Nssb-NH2, KYW-NHis-N-Nspe-RLR-NH2, and NLys-L-NLys-W-Nsmb-IKRW-NH2) were found to have high antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory concentration <30 mu g/lm against the two strains. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that two of the three potent ampeptoids can fold into a typical amphipathic helix that allows them to interact directly with and then destruct microbial membranes, while another is unstructured in water environment and possesses a hybrid sequence pattern mixing with hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:已经建立了抗菌肽类(安非他命类)作为一种新型的,有吸引力的抗生素剂,以高生物利用度,强代谢稳定性和低体内毒性来抵抗细菌感染。在这里,我们报告了通过整合化学计量学/化学信息学技术和体外药敏试验成功设计出短类动物的能力。在该程序中,通过对数百种结构,拓扑,几何和理化性质进行主成分分析,得出了一组新颖的天然和N-取代氨基酸描述符,然后用于表征和建模结构之间的统计回归关系已知抗菌肽的功能和抗菌活性。通过蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)交叉验证确认的最佳定量构效关系预测因子用于针对组合两栖动物文库进行高通量虚拟筛选,从中鉴定出五种两栖动物候选物及其对两种临床细菌菌株的抗菌效力,即使用标准微量滴定液稀释法测量金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC33591和铜绿假单胞菌ATCC27853。因此,发现三个类肽(IK-Nssb-NLys-VRK-Nssb-NH2,KYW-NHis-N-Nspe-RLR-NH2和NLys-L-NLys-W-Nsmb-IKRW-NH2)具有较高的抗菌作用以最小的抑制浓度<30μg / lm对两种菌株产生活性。分子动力学模拟显示,三种有效的两栖类化合物中的两种可以折叠成典型的两亲性螺旋结构,从而使其与微生物膜直接相互作用,然后破坏微生物膜,而另一种在水环境中是非结构化的,并具有混合了疏水性和亲水性残基的混合序列模式。版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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