首页> 外文期刊>Journal of chemical biology >Measurement of predatory behaviour in cow dung-colonising insect larvae, using compound-specific 13C-tracing of dietary fatty acids

Measurement of predatory behaviour in cow dung-colonising insect larvae, using compound-specific 13C-tracing of dietary fatty acids


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Studies of the trophic interactions between organisms in opaque environments where direct observation can be difficult, such as soil or leaf litter, often require the use of indirect inferential approaches. Here, the use of compound-specific ~(13)C-tracing of dietary biomarker fatty acids is evaluated as a method for studying predation by larvae of the dung-breeding fly, Mesembrina meridiana (Diptera: Muscidae); the technique was used to differentiate dung from high-enrichment ~(13)C-labelled prey intheir gut contents. Potential prey, ~(13)C-labelled larvae of the dung-breeding fly, Neomyia cornicina (Diptera: Muscidae), were placed into unlabelled dung microcosms in the laboratory. A single 7-day-old M. meridiana larva was allowed to feed in eachmicrocosm for 8 h. The magnitude of increases in the delta ~(13)C values of fatty acids (il4:0, 14:0, i15:0, alpha l5:0, 15:0, 16:0 and 18:0) in the gut contents, relative to those of M. meridiana deprived of prey, demonstrated the predation of N. cornicina larvae which were estimated to have constituted at least 35% of the average dietary wet mass of these M. meridiana larvae. The tracing of specific labelled compounds increased confidence in dietary assessment and helped to avoid systematic errors associated with compound-dependent efficiency of assimilation in the gut. The results demonstrate the potential value of this method in helping to elucidate trophic interactions in predator-preysystems within opaque environments. The precision of the quantitative dietary estimation that arose from these isotopic data was superior to that generated using fatty acid distributional data, a widely used and evidentially independent line of evidence.
机译:在难以直接观察的不透明环境中(例如土壤或落叶中),研究生物之间的营养相互作用通常需要使用间接推论方法。在此,作为研究粪便蝇Mesembrina meridiana(Diptera:Muscidae)幼虫捕食的一种方法,对饮食生物标记脂肪酸的化合物特异性〜(13)C示踪进行了评估。该技术用于区分肠道中高浓度〜(13)C标记的猎物中的粪便。在实验室中,将潜在的猎物,〜(13)C标记的粪便蝇fly幼虫Neomyia cornicina(Diptera:Muscidae)放入未标记的粪便缩微动物中。将一个7天大的子午线虫幼虫喂食每个缩影8小时。肠内容物中脂肪酸(il4:0、14:0,i15:0,alpha l5:0、15:0、16:0和18:0)的δ〜(13)C值的增加幅度相对于被剥夺猎物的子午线虫,证明了N.cornicina幼虫的捕食,据估计,它们占这些子午线虫幼虫平均饮食湿重的至少35%。对特定标记化合物的追踪增加了对饮食评估的信心,并有助于避免与肠道中化合物依赖性吸收效率相关的系统性错误。结果表明,该方法在阐明不透明环境中的捕食者-被捕食者系统中的营养相互作用方面具有潜在价值。从这些同位素数据得出的定量饮食估计的准确性优于使用脂肪酸分布数据(广泛使用的且证据上独立的证据)得出的数据。



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