首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics >A Four-Parameter Logistic Model for Estimating Titers of Functional Multiplexed Pneumococcal Opsonophagocytic Killing Assay

A Four-Parameter Logistic Model for Estimating Titers of Functional Multiplexed Pneumococcal Opsonophagocytic Killing Assay


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In vitro opsonophagocytosis killing assay (OPA) is widely accepted to quantitate Streptococcus pneumococcal antibodies to serotype-specific pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (PS). A titer estimation method is needed for large scale data generated by OPA, and it is one component of OPA standardization. In order to improve the reliability of OPA results, we developed a nonlinear fitting method using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with an option of a robust procedure to estimate titers of OPA data. Performance of the proposed method was evaluated by comparing precision and accuracy of titer estimation with traditional methods used in the literature by analyzing real experimental data sets. Goodness-of-fit to experimental data for the two model-based methods was also assessed. We conclude that the four-parameter logistic model is an alternative choice for titer estimation of OPA data. Computer software using the statistical language R and Microsoft Excel was developed to implement our calculation algorithm for OPA data.
机译:体外调理吞噬细胞杀伤试验(OPA)已被广泛用于定量针对血清型特异性肺炎球菌荚膜多糖(PS)的链球菌肺炎球菌抗体。 OPA生成的大规模数据需要一种效价估计方法,它是OPA标准化的一个组成部分。为了提高OPA结果的可靠性,我们使用Levenberg-Marquardt算法开发了一种非线性拟合方法,并提供了一种鲁棒程序来估计OPA数据效价的方法。通过比较滴定度估算的准确性和准确性与文献中使用的传统方法(通过分析实际实验数据集)来评估所提出方法的性能。还评估了两种基于模型的方法对实验数据的拟合优度。我们得出结论,四参数逻辑模型是OPA数据效价估计的替代选择。开发了使用统计语言R和Microsoft Excel的计算机软件,以实现我们对OPA数据的计算算法。



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