首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology >Risk factors for implantable defibrillator lead fracture in a recalled and a nonrecalled lead.

Risk factors for implantable defibrillator lead fracture in a recalled and a nonrecalled lead.


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INTRODUCTION: The Medtronic Sprint Fidelis implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) lead was "recalled" in October 2007 after 268,000 implants worldwide due to increased failure risk. Manufacturer suggested monitoring has not been shown effective at preventing adverse events. Only limited data exist regarding clinical predictors of Fidelis lead fracture. We sought to identify risk factors for Fidelis fracture to guide clinical monitoring and compare its performance with a control lead. METHODS: Fractured lead cases were retrospectively reviewed for demographic data, implant technique, radiographic appearance and clinical presentation was analyzed. Lead survival was compared using Kaplan-Meir curves. RESULTS: Study patients (n = 1314) experienced 18 Fidelis and 6 Quattro lead fractures. Patients with failed Fidelis leads were younger than those with surviving leads (49.5 vs 64.6 years, P = 0.0066). Fidelis lead fractures often occurred around the time of physical activity. No other measured demographic or technique related factors were associated with lead fracture. Fidelis leads had significantly decreased survival compared with Quattro leads (89.3 vs 98.9% at 30 months). Patients less than 50 years old had significantly decreased lead survival compared with those older than 50 in both Fidelis (79.6% vs 96.5% at 24 months) and Quattro (93.4 vs 99.8%, P < 0.001 at 24 months) leads. CONCLUSIONS: Patients under age 50, with either Fidelis or Quattro ICD leads, are at increased risk of lead fracture compared with patients over 50, particularly around the time of intense physical activity. Aggressive monitoring and advisory programming appears warranted in patients with Fidelis leads as well as especially in younger patients.
机译:简介:美敦力Sprint Fidelis植入式心脏复律除颤器(ICD)导线在2007年10月被“召回”,原因是由于失败风险增加,全世界共植入了268,000枚。制造商建议的监控尚未显示出可有效预防不良事件。关于Fidelis铅骨折的临床预测因素仅有有限的数据。我们试图确定Fidelis骨折的危险因素,以指导临床监测并将其性能与对照导线进行比较。方法:回顾性分析骨折的主诉病例的人口统计学数据,植入技术,影像学表现和临床表现。使用Kaplan-Meir曲线比较铅的存活率。结果:研究患者(n = 1414)经历了18例Fidelis和6例Quattro铅骨折。 Fidelis导线失败的患者比导线存活的患者年轻(49.5岁对64.6岁,P = 0.0066)。 Fidelis铅骨折通常发生在体育锻炼前后。没有其他与人口统计学或技术相关的测量因素与铅断裂相关。与Quattro线索相比,Fidelis线索的生存率显着降低(30个月时为89.3%对98.9%)。与Fidelis(24个月时分别为79.6%和96.5%)和Quattro(24个月时分别为93.4 vs 99.8%,P <0.001)相比,小于50岁的患者的铅存活率显着低于50岁以上的患者。结论:与50岁以上的患者相比,具有Fidelis或Quattro ICD引线的50岁以下的患者发生引线断裂的风险增加,尤其是在进行剧烈运动的时候。在Fidelis线索的患者中,尤其是在年轻患者中,进行积极的监测和咨询程序似乎是必要的。



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