首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology >Simpler is Better? Full Circle in Our Attempt to Decrease Cardioverter Defibrillator Inappropriate Shocks in the Young

Simpler is Better? Full Circle in Our Attempt to Decrease Cardioverter Defibrillator Inappropriate Shocks in the Young


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The important issue of inappropriate cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) discharges has been addressed in our pediatric and young adult patients since the initial applications of this life saving therapy in this population nearly 20 years ago.1'2 Eleven years after the first ICD published series in young patients, Love et al. reported from Children's Hospital, Boston, that of their 8 of 54 (14.8%) single-chamber ICD patients (median age 16.5 years, between 1992 andl999) with inappropriate ICD discharges, 7 were successfully managed by programming and/or better medical control of supraven-tricular/sinus tachycardia (one managed with dual-chamber ICD).3 In an accompanying editorial, Etheridge praised and emphasized the".. .simple measures..." by which successful management and prevention of inappropriate ICD discharges was accomplished#
机译:自将近20年前在这一人群中首次采用这种救生疗法以来,我们的儿科和年轻成人患者就已经解决了不适当的心脏复律除颤器(ICD)放电的重要问题。1'2ICD发布第一个系列后11年年轻患者,Love等。波士顿儿童医院的报告显示,在54例单室ICD患者(中位年龄为16.5岁,1992年至1999年)中,有8例ICD出院不佳,其中7例通过编程和/或更好的医疗控制成功地得到了治疗。室上/窦性心动过速(一种由双腔室ICD治疗)。Etheridge在一篇社论中赞扬并强调了“ ..简单措施...”,通过该措施可以成功地管理和预防不适当的ICD放电。



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