首页> 外文期刊>Journal of child neurology >Influence of neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy on the size of ventricles in chronic hydrocephalus.

Influence of neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy on the size of ventricles in chronic hydrocephalus.


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Our intention was to compare the clinical outcome after surgical treatment of chronic hydrocephalus between patients who were subjected to neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy and patients who underwent shunt implantation. At the Department of Neurosurgery of the Research Institute of Polish Mothers' Memorial Hospital from 1999 to 2001, 29 children, of an average age of 7 years (+/-7.1 years SD), underwent successful neuroendoscopic procedures, and from 1992 to 1994, 59 children, of an average age of 2 months (+/-1.9 months SD), underwent shunt implantation. The size of the ventricular system was described by the Frontal Horn Index and its change after operative procedures by the ratio of the final to the primary Frontal Horn Index. Head circumference was measured in percentiles according to the Kurniewicz-Witczakowa chart for Polish children. The reduction in head circumference after a neuroendoscopic procedure was, on average, significantly less than after a shunt implantation (0.39 percentiles +/-29.6 SD vs 17.93 percentiles +/-19.93 SD). Concerning the change in ventricular size after a neuroendoscopic procedure, it was noticed that the average ratio of the final to the primary Frontal Horn Index was 0.9. Meanwhile, the same parameter after a shunt implantation was 0.55. Based on the values of the Frontal Horn Indexes, it was observed that the ventricular system in infants after neuroendoscopic procedures was significantly larger than in other age groups (0.7 vs 0.5). After successful neuroendoscopic operations in a group of children suffering from Chiari II malformation, ventricular systems were slightly enlarged. The ratio of the final Frontal Index to the primary Frontal Horn Index was 1.31. In children suffering from chronic hydrocephalus, the average reduction in the size of the ventricular system and the rate of head circumference growth are lower after neuroendoscopic operations than after shunt implantations. Successful neuroendoscopic procedures are characterized by, on average, a higher rate of head circumference growth in infants than in neonates. In addition, the rate of head circumference growth after successful neuroendoscopic procedures could be higher than before the operation, which is clearly visible in children suffering from Chiari II malformation, but it does not mean a constant increase of that parameter during the postoperative period.
机译:我们的目的是比较接受神经内镜第三脑室造口术的患者和接受分流植入的患者在慢性脑积水手术治疗后的临床结果。从1999年至2001年,在波兰母亲纪念医院研究所的神经外科中,有29名平均年龄7岁(标准偏差+/- 7.1岁)的儿童接受了成功的神经内窥镜检查,从1992年至1994年, 59例平均年龄为2个月(标准偏差+/- 1.9个月)的儿童接受了分流植入术。心室系统的大小由额角指数来描述,其在手术后的变化由最终与主要额角指数之比来描述。根据针对波兰儿童的Kurniewicz-Witczakowa图表,以百分位数测量头围。平均而言,神经内镜手术后头围的减少明显少于分流植入后(0.39%+ /-29.6 SD vs 17.93%+ /-19.93SD)。关于神经内窥镜手术后心室大小的变化,注意到最终的与主要的额角指数的平均比率为0.9。同时,分流植入后的相同参数为0.55。根据额角指数的值,观察到神经内镜手术后婴儿的心室系统明显大于其他年龄组(0.7 vs 0.5)。在一组患有Chiari II畸形的儿童中成功进行了神经内窥镜手术后,心室系统略有扩大。最终的前额指数与主要的前额角指数之比为1.31。在患有慢性脑积水的儿童中,神经内窥镜手术后的心室系统大小平均缩小和头围生长速率低于分流植入后。成功的神经内镜手术的特点是,婴儿的头围平均比新生儿高。此外,成功的神经内镜手术后头围的生长速度可能高于手术前,这在患有Chiari II畸形的儿童中显而易见,但这并不意味着该参数在术后期间会不断增加。



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