首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Camel Practice and Research >Treatment of paratuberculosis in camels by rifampin and streptomycin.

Treatment of paratuberculosis in camels by rifampin and streptomycin.


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The response of paratuberculosis of camels (locally known as Silag) to treatment with rifampin and streptomycin was investigated. Ten camels were used in this experiment as follows: Seven clinically ill camels with severe weight loss and persistent diarrhoea, and presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in feces and rectal scrapings, were injected intramuscularly with a dose providing 5 mg/kg body weight of rifampin and a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight of streptomycin. Diarrhoea stopped and (MAP) disappeared from the feces and rectal scrapings of infected camels from the 5th to the 9th week of treatment. The 8th camel had clinical Silag and was kept as untreated positive control, and 9th camel was free from paratuberculosis and was kept as a negative control. The positive control camel continued shedding (MAP) in faeces until the end of the experiment. The non-infected camel (negative control) remained healthy and free from infection until the end of the experiment. The tenth camel had clinical paratuberculosis and was sacrificed to study the pathology of the disease. Postmortem examination showed that the intestinal wall was dispersed with granulomas and its mucous membrane was greatly thickened and corrugated. The mesenteric lymph nodes were granulomatous and abscessed. Granulomas were also seen in the hepatic and mediastinal lymph nodes. This is the first report on the effective treatment of paratuberculosis in camels.
机译:研究了骆驼副结核病(当地称为Silag)对利福平和链霉素治疗的反应。本实验中使用了十只骆驼,具体如下:七只临床不适的骆驼,体重严重减轻,腹泻持续,并存在禽分枝杆菌(i.bacterium avium)子亚种。肌内注射粪便和直肠刮屑中的肺结核(MAP),其剂量应提供5 mg / kg体重的利福平和5 mg / kg体重的链霉素。从治疗的第5周到第9周,腹泻停止并且(MAP)从被感染骆驼的粪便和直肠刮擦中消失。第8头骆驼有临床Silag并保留为未经治疗的阳性对照,第9头骆驼没有副结核病,并保留为阴性对照。阳性对照骆驼继续在粪便中脱落(MAP),直到实验结束。在实验结束之前,未感染的骆驼(阴性对照)保持健康,没有感染。第十只骆驼患有临床肺结核,被处死以研究该疾病的病理学。死后检查显示,肠壁散布着肉芽肿,其粘膜大大增厚和起皱。肠系膜淋巴结肉芽肿和脓肿。在肝和纵隔淋巴结中也可见肉芽肿。这是关于骆驼副结核有效治疗的第一份报告。



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