首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Camel Practice and Research >Voluntary feed intake and nutrient utilisation of adult female racing camels (Camelus dromedarius) during exercise and at rest

Voluntary feed intake and nutrient utilisation of adult female racing camels (Camelus dromedarius) during exercise and at rest


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Three adult female camels (age 6-8 years and average body weight 476.67 +- 16.83 kg) kept on sole roughage diet of dry moth chara (Phaseolus aconitifolius) were initially adapted to exercise regimen of daily 1 km race at a speed of 30 km/h in the morning for 3 months in post monsoon season. Thereafter a 6 days digestibility trial during exercise was conducted. After a resting period of one week another 6 days digestibility trial on the same camels was conducted under stall-feeding conditions. The digestibility coefficients of OM, CP, EE, CF and NFE were observed to be higher in camels during exercise by 14.91,28.09,32.87,14.23 and 11.59 percent respectively than at rest. The apparent absorption (percent) of macro-minerals viz., Na, K, Ca, P and Mgwas observed to increase by 95.26, 9.61, 64.58, 43,82 and 52.06 during exercise than at rest. The serum values of K, P and Mg showed significant (P<0.05) rise during exercise. The results indicated that adult female camels during race exercise consumed94.62 percent more DCP and 55.30 percent more ME than at rest.
机译:三只成年雌性骆驼(年龄在6-8岁,平均体重476.67±16.83公斤)仅吃干蛾(Charaseolus aconitifolius),最初以30公里的速度进行每天1公里的比赛/ h在季风后季节的早晨持续3个月。此后进行了为期6天的运动中消化率试验。休息一个星期后,在摊档饲喂条件下对同一头骆驼进行了另外6天的消化率试验。骆驼运动时OM,CP,EE,CF和NFE的消化系数分别比静止时高14.91%,28.09%,32.87%,14.23%和11.59%。观察到,运动中的大量矿物质(钠,钾,钙,磷和镁)的表观吸收(百分比)比运动时增加了95.26、9.61、64.58、43.82和52.06。在运动过程中,钾,磷和镁的血清值显着升高(P <0.05)。结果表明,成年雌性骆驼在比赛中消耗的DCP和ME分别比静止多94.62%和55.30%。



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