首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomedical informatics. >Clinical simulation: A method for development and evaluation of clinical information systems

Clinical simulation: A method for development and evaluation of clinical information systems


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Use of clinical simulation in the design and evaluation of eHealth systems and applications has increased during the last decade. This paper describes a methodological approach for using clinical simulations in the design and evaluation of clinical information systems. The method is based on experiences from more than 20 clinical simulation studies conducted at the ITX-lab in the Capital Region of Denmark during the last 5 years. A ten-step approach to conducting simulations is presented in this paper. To illustrate the approach, a clinical simulation study concerning implementation of Digital Clinical Practice Guidelines in a prototype planning and coordination module is presented. In the case study potential benefits were assessed in a full-scale simulation test including 18 health care professionals. The results showed that health care professionals can benefit from such a module. Unintended consequences concerning terminology and changes in the division of responsibility amongst healthcare professionals were also identified, and questions were raised concerning future workflow across sector borders. Furthermore unexpected new possible benefits concerning improved communication, content of information in discharge letters and quality management emerged during the testing. In addition new potential groups of users were identified. The case study is used to demonstrate the potential of using the clinical simulation approach described in the paper. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:在过去十年中,临床模拟在电子卫生保健系统和应用的设计和评估中的使用有所增加。本文介绍了一种在临床信息系统的设计和评估中使用临床模拟的方法学方法。该方法基于过去5年中在丹麦首都地区ITX实验室进行的20多次临床模拟研究的经验。本文提出了进行仿真的十步方法。为了说明该方法,提出了有关在原型计划和协调模块中实施“数字临床实践指南”的临床模拟研究。在该案例研究中,通过包括18名医疗保健专业人员的全面模拟测试评估了潜在收益。结果表明,医疗保健专业人员可以从这种模块中受益。还确定了与术语有关的意外后果以及医疗保健专业人员之间职责划分的变化,并提出了跨部门跨界未来工作流程的问题。此外,在测试过程中还出现了意料之外的新的可能好处,这些好处涉及改善沟通,出院信中的信息内容和质量管理。此外,还确定了新的潜在用户组。该案例研究用于证明使用本文所述的临床模拟方法的潜力。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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