首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomechanical engineering. >A hub dynamometer for measurement of wheel forces in off-road bicycling

A hub dynamometer for measurement of wheel forces in off-road bicycling


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A dynamometric hubset that measures the two ground contact force components acting on a bicycle wheel in the plane of the bicycle during off-road riding while either coasting or braking was designed, constructed, and evaluated. To maintaincompatibility with standard mountain bike construction, the hubs use commercially available shells with modified, strain gage-equipped axles. The axle strain gages are sensitive to forces acting in the radial and tangential directions, while minimizingsensitivity to transverse forces, steering moments, and variations in the lateral location of the center of pressure. Static calibration and a subsequent accuracy check that computed differences between applied and apparent loads developed during coasting revealed root mean squared errors of 1 percent full-scale or less (full-scale load = 4500 N). The natural frequency of the rear hub with the wheel attached exceeded 350 Hz. These performance capabilities make the dynamometer useful for its intendedpurpose during coasting. To demonstrate this usefulness, sample ground contact forces are presented for a subject who coasted downhill over rough terrain. The dynamometric hubset can also be used to determine ground contact forces during braking providing that the brake reaction force components are known. However; compliance of the fork can lead to high cross-sensitivity and corresponding large (>5 percent FS) measurement errors at the front wheel.
机译:设计,构造和评估了一种测力轮组,该测力轮组测量了越野行驶过程中在越野行驶过程中作用在自行车平面上自行车车轮上的两个地面接触力分量。为了保持与标准山地自行车结构的兼容性,花鼓使用了市售的外壳,这些外壳带有经过修改的配有应变计的车轴。车轴应变计对作用在径向和切线方向的力敏感,同时将对横向力,转向力矩和压力中心横向位置的变化的敏感性降至最低。静态校准和随后的准确性检查(计算得出的滑行期间施加的载荷与视在载荷之间的差异)显示,均方根误差为满量程的1%或更少(满量程负载= 4500 N)。装有车轮的后轮毂的固有频率超过350 Hz。这些性能使测功机在滑行期间可用于其预定目的。为了证明这种实用性,我们为在崎rough地形上下坡滑行的对象提供了示例地面接触力。如果已知制动反作用力分量,则测力轮组也可用于确定制动过程中的地面接触力。然而;货叉的顺应性会导致较高的交叉敏感度,并在前轮处产生较大的测量误差(> 5%FS)。



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