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Factors influencing the levels of exhaled carbon monoxide in asthmatic children


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Objective: Bronchial asthma is characterised by chronic airway inflammation commonly associated with increased oxidative stress. Exhaled carbon monoxide (eCO) levels could act as markers of both oxidative stress and allergic inflammation. We aimed to study eCO levels in asthmatics and detect the possible factors influencing them. Methods: We studied 241 asthmatic children and 75 healthy children. The differences in eCO levels among various asthmatic phenotypes and the correlations between eCO and other measured parameters (spirometric indices, Asthma Control Test score, exhaled nitric oxide, total IgE, blood eosinophils and marker of oxidative damage of proteins) were analysed. Results: Levels of eCO widely differed according to the selected characteristics of asthma. Asthmatics showed higher eCO concentrations than controls (1.44±0.12ppm vs. 0.91±0.11ppm, p<0.001). Acute exacerbation of asthma was accompanied by a significant increase in eCO compared to the clinically controlled stage (2.17±0.36ppm vs. 1.33±0.13ppm, p<0.001). Atopic, non-atopic asthma and asthma associated with allergic rhinitis (AR) showed elevated levels of eCO. The levels of eCO negatively correlated with the marker of protein oxidation in asthmatics, especially in atopic form and during acute exacerbation. Conclusions: In a population of asthmatic children, eCO levels could be considered as a marker of both allergic inflammation and oxidative stress in the airways. Concomitant AR and asthma control were the most important factors affecting the levels of eCO in asthmatic children. However, our results do not support the use of routine eCO in the clinical practice.
机译:目的:支气管哮喘的特征是慢性气道炎症,通常与氧化应激增加有关。呼出气一氧化碳(eCO)的水平可以作为氧化应激和过敏性炎症的标志。我们旨在研究哮喘患者中的eCO水平,并检测可能影响其的因素。方法:我们研究了241名哮喘儿童和75名健康儿童。分析了各种哮喘表型之间的eCO水平差异,以及eCO与其他测量参数(肺活量指数,哮喘控制测试得分,呼出气一氧化氮,总IgE,血液嗜酸性粒细胞和蛋白质氧化损伤标记物)之间的相关性。结果:根据所选的哮喘特征,eCO水平差异很大。哮喘患者的eCO浓度高于对照组(1.44±0.12ppm vs.0.91±0.11ppm,p <0.001)。与临床控制的阶段相比,哮喘的急性加重伴随着eCO的显着增加(2.17±0.36ppm vs. 1.33±0.13ppm,p <0.001)。特应性,非特应性哮喘和与变应性鼻炎(AR)相关的哮喘显示eCO水平升高。 eCO水平与哮喘患者,尤其是特应性形式和急性加重期的蛋白质氧化标志物负相关。结论:在哮喘儿童人群中,eCO水平可被视为呼吸道过敏性炎症和氧化应激的标志。伴随性AR和哮喘控制是影响哮喘儿童eCO水平的最重要因素。但是,我们的结果不支持在临床实践中使用常规eCO。



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