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Continuous terbutaline infusion in severe asthma in adults: a retrospective study of long-term efficacy and safety


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Background: Long-term subcutaneous or intravenous infusion of terbutaline has been used to stabilize asthma in patients enduring frequent hospital admissions due to severe asthma despite maximum therapy. However, this treatment is not supported by significant body of evidence. Aim: To study long-term efficacy and safety of using continuous infusions of terbutaline in unstable severe asthma. Methods: The available medical records of all patients received terbutaline infusions at a severe asthma unit between 1982 and 2008 were retrospectively studied. We retrieved data on treatment indication, asthma subtype, patient demographics, pre-treatment terbutaline trial outcome, duration of treatment, effect on lung function, hospital admissions, oral corticosteroids (OCSs) requirement, safety and side effects. Results: Forty-two patients with adequate medical information were studied (31 females, mean age 43.6 years, 88% had type 1 brittle asthma and 12% had other severe asthma). This group of patients had a mean body mass index of 30.8 kg/m(2), mean oral prednisolone or equivalent of 26.6mg and mean predicted FEV1 of 66.8%. The mean treatment duration was 86.7 months (range 7-216). Long-term continuous terbutaline infusion significantly reduced hospital admissions (mean pre-treatment = 6.7 (95% CI 0.96-12.4) per annum, and mean annualized on-treatment admission = 3.3 (95% CI 0.63-6.9, p = 0.045). We observed overall reduction in OCSs use in 59% of patients with available data, but there was no significant change in lung function. Side effects related to terbutaline or the method of its infusion were common and some were serious especially when central venous access device were used. Conclusion: Continuous terbutaline infusion could be a treatment option for severe unstable asthma and may reduce hospital admissions. However, the treatment was associated with significant side effects and its use should be limited to centers possessing necessary expertise.
机译:背景:长期使用皮下或静脉内输注特布他林已被用于稳定哮喘患者,尽管该患者尽管采取了最大的治疗方法,但由于严重的哮喘而经常住院,但该患者仍能稳定哮喘。但是,没有足够的证据支持这种处理。目的:研究连续输注特布他林治疗不稳定型严重哮喘的远期疗效和安全性。方法:回顾性研究1982年至2008年在重度哮喘病房接受特布他林输液的所有患者的病历。我们检索了有关治疗适应症,哮喘亚型,患者统计学,治疗前特布他林试验结果,治疗持续时间,对肺功能的影响,入院,口服糖皮质激素(OCS)要求,安全性和副作用的数据。结果:对42名具有充分医学信息的患者进行了研究(31名女性,平均年龄为43.6岁,88%患有1型脆性哮喘,12%患有其他严重哮喘)。该组患者的平均体重指数为30.8 kg / m(2),平均口服泼尼松龙或当量为26.6mg,平均预测FEV1为66.8%。平均治疗时间为86.7个月(范围7-216)。长期连续不断的特布他林输注显着降低了住院率(平均治疗前= 6.7(95%CI 0.96-12.4)/年,平均年化治疗入院= 3.3(95%CI 0.63-6.9,p = 0.045)。我们观察到有可用数据的59%的患者的OCS使用量总体减少,但肺功能没有明显变化,特布他林或其输注方法的副作用很常见,有些副作用严重,尤其是在使用中央静脉通路装置的情况下结论:连续输注特布他林可以作为严重不稳定哮喘的一种治疗选择,并且可以减少住院次数,但是,该治疗具有明显的副作用,应仅限于拥有必要专业知识的中心使用。



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