首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biological inorganic chemistry: JBIC: a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry >Backbone dynamics and hydrogen exchange of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ferricytochrome c_(551)

Backbone dynamics and hydrogen exchange of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ferricytochrome c_(551)


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A model-free analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ferricytochrome c_(551) dynamics based on ~(15)N R_1, ~(15)N R_2, and {~1H}-~(15)N heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect data is reported. The protein backbone is highly rigid (=0.924 ± 0.005) and displays little variation in picosecond-nanosecond time scale dynamics over the structure. The loop structure containing the axial methionine ligand (loop 3) displays anomalous rigidity, which is attributed to its high proline content. Also reported are protection factors calculated from hydrogen-exchange rates. These data reveal that loop 3 residues, including the axial methionine, are protected from exchange as a result of long-range hydrogen-bonding interactions. These results are contrasted with data reported for Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-ferricyto-chrome c, which displays higher overall flexibility ( = 0.80 ± 0.07), greater variation of dynamics as a function of structure, and low protection factors for loop 3. This analysis reveals that heme proteins with similar functions and topologies may display diverse dynamical properties.
机译:报告了基于〜(15)N R_1,〜(15)N R_2和{〜1H}-〜(15)N异核核Overhauser效应数据的铜绿假单胞菌铁细胞色素c_(551)动力学的无模型分析。蛋白质骨架具有很高的刚性( = 0.924±0.005),并且在整个结构上的皮秒-纳秒时间尺度动力学中几乎没有变化。包含轴向蛋氨酸配体的环结构(环3)显示出异常的刚度,这归因于其脯氨酸含量高。还报道了根据氢交换率计算的保护因子。这些数据表明,由于长程氢键相互作用,保护了环3残基(包括轴向蛋氨酸)不被交换。这些结果与啤酒酵母异-1-铁细胞色素c报道的数据形成对比,后者显示出更高的总体柔韧性( = 0.80±0.07),动力学随结构的变化更大,保护因子低对于环3。该分析表明具有相似功能和拓扑的血红素蛋白可能显示出多种动力学特性。



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