首页> 外文期刊>Journal of autism and developmental disorders >Brief report: Excellent agreement between two brief autism scales (checklist for autism spectrum disorder and social responsiveness scale) completed independently by parents and the autism diagnostic interview-revised

Brief report: Excellent agreement between two brief autism scales (checklist for autism spectrum disorder and social responsiveness scale) completed independently by parents and the autism diagnostic interview-revised


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Agreement between the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and two brief scales completed by parents was 93.1% for the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder (CASD) and 89.7% for the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) in a sample of adolescents with suspected autism spectrum disorders. Our study is consistent with others showing that brief scales like the CASD and SRS have strong psychometric support and compare favorably with the ADI-R. The CASD and SRS are each completed and scored in 15 min, whereas the ADI-R takes over 2 h to administer and score. The CASD and SRS offer a valid and cost effective alternative to lengthy and expensive measures and, by virtue of their brevity and simplicity, could facilitate diagnosis, access to treatment, and research.
机译:自闭症诊断面谈修订版(ADI-R)与父母完成的两个简短量表之间的协议,对于自闭症频谱清单(CASD)的检查表(CASD)为93.1%,而社会反应量表(SRS)则为89.7%。怀疑自闭症谱系障碍。我们的研究与其他研究一致,表明简短的量表(如CASD和SRS)具有强大的心理支持,可与ADI-R相比。 CASD和SRS均在15分钟内完成并评分,而ADI-R则需要2个小时以上的时间进行管理和评分。 CASD和SRS为冗长而昂贵的措施提供了一种有效且具有成本效益的替代方案,并且由于其简洁性和简便性,可以促进诊断,获得治疗和研究。



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