首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Algebra >Rings and modules characterized by opposites of injectivity

Rings and modules characterized by opposites of injectivity


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In a recent paper, Aydo?du and López-Permouth have defined a module M to be N-subinjective if every homomorphism N → M extends to some E(N) →M, where E(N) is the injective hull of N. Clearly, every module is subinjective relative to any injective module. Their work raises the following question: What is the structure of a ring over which every module is injective or subinjective relative only to the smallest possible family of modules, namely injectives? We show, using a dual opposite injectivity condition, that such a ring R is isomorphic to the direct product of a semisimple Artinian ring and an indecomposable ring which is (i) a hereditary Artinian serial ring with J~2 = 0; or (ii) a QF-ring isomorphic to a matrix ring over a local ring. Each case is viable and, conversely, (i) is sufficient for the said property, and a partial converse is proved for a ring satisfying (ii). Using the above mentioned classification, it is also shown that such rings coincide with the fully saturated rings of Trlifaj except, possibly, when von Neumann regularity is assumed. Furthermore, rings and abelian groups which satisfy these opposite injectivity conditions are characterized.
机译:在最近的一篇论文中,如果每个同态N→M扩展到某个E(N)→M,其中A(N)是N的内射壳,Aydo?du和López-Permouth将模块M定义为N-次内射。显然,每个模块相对于任何内射模块都是主射内的。他们的工作提出了以下问题:环的结构是什么,相对于最小可能的模块族(即内射词),每个模块都是内射词或内射词?我们用双重相反的注入条件表明,这样的环R与半简单的阿蒂尼亚环和不可分解的环的直接乘积是同构的,该分解环是(i)J〜2 = 0的遗传阿蒂尼亚级联环; (ii)与局部环上的矩阵环同构的QF环。每种情况都是可行的,反之,(i)对于所述性质是足够的,并且对于满足(ii)的环证明了部分相反。使用上述分类,还表明,除了可能假定冯·诺伊曼正则性外,此类环与特利法的完全饱和环重合。此外,表征满足这些相反的内射条件的环和阿贝尔群。



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