首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Painting Altamira Cave? Shell tools for ochre-processing in the Upper Palaeolithic in northern Iberia

Painting Altamira Cave? Shell tools for ochre-processing in the Upper Palaeolithic in northern Iberia


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Much of our knowledge of the symbolic world of Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers is based on the study of the graphic representations found in Western European caves. However, to date, few studies have been conducted on rock art apart from chronological and stylistic characterisation. Altamira Cave (northern Iberia) is characterised by an outstanding rock art ensemble, whose representations cover practically the whole Upper Palaeolithic. The site is equally important for the rich Upper Palaeolithic deposits in the cave entrance, which contain large shell assemblages. Traditionally, the presence of shells in hunter-fisher-gatherer settlements has been interpreted as part of the diet and/or the symbolic world (through the creation of ornaments) of these groups, regardless of their possible use as an instrument. In this paper we utilise use-wear methodology, chemical analysis and analytical experimentation to verify the initial hypothesis that shells in the archaeological deposits of Altamira were used to obtain the ochre powder utilised to produce the magnificent and diverse rock art ensemble in the cave. The results provide new information on the process of obtaining pigments for the realisation of paintings and confirm that the use of shells to obtain ochre was a systematic activity throughout the whole study period. Finally, our conclusions support the explanatory model that highlights the role played by marine resources for Upper Palaeolithic human populations. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们对上部旧石器时代的狩猎者-采集者的象征性世界的很多了解是基于对西欧洞穴中发现的图形表示的研究。然而,迄今为止,除了按时间顺序和风格表征外,很少有关于岩石艺术的研究。阿尔塔米拉洞穴(伊比利亚北部)的特色是出色的岩石艺术合奏,其表现形式几乎涵盖了整个旧石器时代。该地点对于洞穴入口处丰富的上古石器时代沉积物同样重要,该沉积物包含大型贝壳组合。传统上,猎人-渔民-聚居地中贝壳的存在被解释为这些群体的饮食和/或象征性世界的一部分(通过制作装饰品),而不论它们是否可能用作工具。在本文中,我们通过使用磨损法,化学分析和分析实验来验证最初的假设,即使用阿尔塔米拉考古沉积物中的贝壳来获得the石粉,该o石粉用于在洞穴中生产宏伟而多样的岩石艺术作品。结果提供了有关为实现绘画而获取颜料的过程的新信息,并证实了在整个研究期间,使用贝壳获取cher石是一项系统的活动。最后,我们的结论支持解释性模型,该模型强调了海洋资源对上古石器时代人口的作用。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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