首页> 外文期刊>Circulation: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Large cardiac registries: the path to higher quality and lower cost in our healthcare system.

Large cardiac registries: the path to higher quality and lower cost in our healthcare system.


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This observer agrees with Stanford economist Victor Fuchs that the 3 major reasons to undertake systematic reform of the US healthcare system are (1) to provide coverage for the uninsured, (2) to correct significant lapses in quality, and (3) to control the high and rapidly increasing cost of care.1 The "how to" for achieving each of these objectives is clear. It merely requires defining who is to be covered under universal coverage, insisting that we have "effective care," and deciding the best way to achieve payment reform. On the other hand, the devil is in the details, as became abundantly clear during this past year of congressional debate before the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordability Act. Of the 3 issues cited, coverage is the most clearly addressed in this legislation, although, as it now stands, some millions of uninsured will still remain. The other 2 issues, quality and cost of care, appear the most threatening. Michael Chernow of the Harvard Department of Health Care Policy, in discussing the increasingly larger annual deficits (Dollars 1.3 trillion dollars in 2010) and their resultant debt burden (Dollars 8.8 trillion at the end of 2010), representing 60% of the gross domestic product, underscores how unsustainable these figures are and cautions that the result will be a financial Armageddon.2 Accordingly, it is imperative that we members of the cardiovascular community provide workable solutions to improve quality and reduce the cost of care because, if we fail, it will bankrupt us.
机译:该观察员同意斯坦福大学的经济学家维克多·福克斯(Victor Fuchs)的观点,认为进行美国医疗体系的系统性改革的三个主要原因是:(1)为未保险的人群提供保险;(2)纠正质量的重大下降;(3)控制医疗质量的下降。高昂且迅速增加的护理费用。1明确了实现这些目标的“方法”。它只需要定义谁将覆盖全民保险,坚持要求我们拥有“有效的照料”,并确定实现支付改革的最佳方法。另一方面,魔鬼在细节上,在过去的一年的国会辩论中,在《患者保护和负担能力法案》获得通过之前,这一点已经很清楚了。在引用的三个问题中,覆盖范围是该立法中最明确解决的问题,尽管按目前的情况来看,仍有数百万未投保。其他两个问题(护理质量和费用)似乎最具威胁性。哈佛大学医疗政策部的迈克尔·切尔诺(Michael Chernow)在讨论日益扩大的年度赤字(2010年为1.3万亿美元)和由此产生的债务负担(2010年底为8.8万亿美元)时,占国内生产总值的60% ,强调了这些数字的不可持续性,并警告说结果将是一场大决战。2因此,我们心血管社区的成员必须提供可行的解决方案来提高质量并降低护理成本,因为如果我们失败了,它会将使我们破产。



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