首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Thermostimulated Current Characterizaiton of Poly(ethersulfone)

Thermostimulated Current Characterizaiton of Poly(ethersulfone)


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Two thermal analysis techniques, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermostimulated currents, are sued to characterize two Poly(ethersulfones) (PESs) obtained with teh same process by two different manufacturers. The glass transition temperature observed by DSC is the same for both PESs and equal to 235deg C. When PES samples are heated above the glass transition temperature (250-260deg C), one initially white and opaque PES (B) looks transparent while the other one (A) stays in the initial stage. The PES B is visibly degraded upon increasing at a lower temperature than PES A. Below the glass transition temperature, two complex relaxation modes #alpha# and #beta# situated at +170-175 and -120deg C, respectively, are observed. The analysis of the fine structure shows that they are constituted fo elementary processes characterized by relaxation times following compensation laws. For PES A at high temepratures the cooperative movements are precursors of the glass transition. For PES B a double compensation phenomena reveals the biphasic character of the vitreous phase. The comparison between teh two PESs reveals different microstructures that could be due to different processing conditions.
机译:两种热分析技术,差示扫描量热法(DSC)和热刺激电流被用来表征由两个不同制造商以相同的方法获得的两种聚醚砜(PES)。通过DSC观察到的两种PES的玻璃化转变温度相同,并且等于235摄氏度。当将PES样品加热到玻璃化转变温度(250-260摄氏度)以上时,一种最初是白色且不透明的PES(B)看起来是透明的,而另一种则看起来是透明的一个(A)停留在初始阶段。 PES B在比PES A更低的温度下升高时会明显降解。在玻璃化转变温度以下,观察到两个复杂的弛豫模式#alpha#和#beta#分别位于+ 170-175和-120℃。对精细结构的分析表明,它们是由基本过程构成的,其特征在于遵循补偿定律的弛豫时间。对于PES A,在高温下,协同运动是玻璃化转变的先兆。对于PES B,双重补偿现象揭示了玻璃相的两相特征。两种PES的比较显示出不同的微观结构,这可能是由于不同的加工条件所致。



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