首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Approximation Theory >Universal overconvergence of polynomial expansions of harmonic functions

Universal overconvergence of polynomial expansions of harmonic functions


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For each compact subset K of R-N let H(K) denote the space of functions that are harmonic on some neighbourhood of K. The space H(K) is equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on K. Let Omega be an open subset of R-N such that 0 epsilon Omega and R-NOmega is connected. It is shown that there exists a series E H-n where H-n is a homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree n on R-N such that (i) Sigma H-n converges on some ball of centre 0 to a function that is continuous on Omega and harmonic on Omega, (ii) the partial sums of Sigma H-n are dense in H(K) for every compact subset K of R-NOmega with connected complement. Some refinements are given and our results are compared with an analogous theorem concerning overconvergence of power series. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). [References: 23]
机译:对于RN的每个紧凑子集K,令H(K)表示在K的某个邻域上谐波函数的空间。空间H(K)配备有K上一致收敛的拓扑。令Omega为K的一个开放子集。 RN,以便连接0 epsilon Omega和RN Omega。结果表明存在一个序列E Hn,其中Hn是RN上n级的齐次谐波多项式,使得(i)Sigma Hn在中心0的某个球上收敛到在Omega上连续且在Omega上谐波的函数,( ii)对于每个带有连接补码的RN Omega的紧致子集K,Sigma Hn的部分和在H(K)中密集。给出了一些改进,并将我们的结果与关于幂级数过度收敛的类似定理进行了比较。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science(美国)。 [参考:23]



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