首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Approximation Theory >On the sampling and recovery of bandlimited functions via scattered translates of the Gaussian

On the sampling and recovery of bandlimited functions via scattered translates of the Gaussian


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Let λ be a positive number, and let (x_j : j ∈ Z) ? R be a fixed Riesz-basis sequence, namely, (x_j) is strictly increasing, and the set of functions {R ? t {mapping} e~(i xj t) : j ∈ Z} is a Riesz basis (i.e., unconditional basis) for L_2 [- π, π]. Given a function f ∈ L_2 (R) whose Fourier transform is zero almost everywhere outside the interval [- π, π], there is a unique sequence (aj : j ∈ Z) in ?_2 (Z), depending on λ and f, such that the function Iλ (f) (x) {colon equals} under(∑, j ∈ Z) aj e~(- λ (x - xj)2), x ∈ R, is continuous and square integrable on (- ∞, ∞), and satisfies the interpolatory conditions I_λ (f) (x_j) = f (x_j), j ∈ Z. It is shown that I_λ (f) converges to f in L_2 (R), and also uniformly on R, as λ → 0~+. In addition, the fundamental functions for the univariate interpolation process are defined, and some of their basic properties, including their exponential decay for large argument, are established. It is further shown that the associated interpolation operators are bounded on ?p (Z) for every p ∈ [1, ∞].
机译:令λ为正数,令(x_j:j∈Z)? R是固定的Riesz基序列,即(x_j)严格增加,并且函数集{R? t {mapping} e〜(i xj t):j∈Z}是L_2 [-π,π]的Riesz基(即无条件基)。给定一个函数f∈L_2(R),在间隔[-π,π]以外的几乎所有地方都进行傅立叶变换,则在λ_2(Z)中有一个唯一的序列(aj:j∈Z),具体取决于λ和f ,使得函数Iλ(f)(x){冒号等于}在(∑,j∈Z)aj e〜(-λ(x-xj)2),x∈R下是连续的,并且在(- ∞,∞),并且满足插值条件I_λ(f)(x_j)= f(x_j),j∈Z.证明I_λ(f)在L_2(R)中收敛到f,并且在R上均匀收敛,如λ→0〜+。另外,定义了单变量插值过程的基本函数,并建立了一些基本属性,包括它们对大自变量的指数衰减。进一步表明,对于每个p∈[1,∞],相关联的插值算子都以Δp(Z)为边界。



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