首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Apicultural Research >Preparation of honey bee specimens for histopathological studies, including a technique for the preparation of whole sections

Preparation of honey bee specimens for histopathological studies, including a technique for the preparation of whole sections


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The typical techniques used to create pathological specimens of honey bee (Apis mellifera) in order to observe targeted organs are fixation, sectioning, and staining. However, these processes require a stereo microscope, cuticle scissors, scalpel and watchmaker's forceps, as well as advanced skills for extracting the desired organ. In this study, an embedding technique used to prepare specimens of sand fly (Phlebotominae) for histological studies is used instead of the conventional method. Placing the entire honey bee into Bouin's fixative with vacuum infiltration and butanol clearing was shown to create highly satisfactory specimens. Without the use of special reagents and equipment, the entire body is preserved in perfect condition, allowing easier identification of the internal organs.
机译:为了观察蜜蜂的目标器官而用于制作蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)病理标本的典型技术是固定,切片和染色。但是,这些过程需要立体显微镜,角质层剪刀,手术刀和钟表匠的钳子,以及提取所需器官的高级技能。在这项研究中,使用嵌入技术代替传统方法来制备用于组织学研究的沙蝇标本(Phlebotominae)。结果表明,将整个蜜蜂通过真空渗透和丁醇清澈放入Bouin的固定剂中,可以制成令人满意的标本。无需使用特殊的试剂和设备,整个身体就可以保持完美的状态,从而更容易识别内部器官。



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