首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Aquaculture >Effects of Poultry By-Product Meal as a Substitute for Fish Meal in Diets on Growth and Body Composition of Juvenile Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei

Effects of Poultry By-Product Meal as a Substitute for Fish Meal in Diets on Growth and Body Composition of Juvenile Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei


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A 35.5% crude protein shrimp diet containing 24.5% fish meal was modified by replacing fish meal with two types of poultry by-product meals (regular poultry by-product meal [PBM] and low-ash petfood-grade poultry by-product meal [PBMPG]) at 33.3, 66.7, and 100% on an equal weight (w/w) basis. Additionally, the PBM and PBMPG were defatted, and fish oil was added back so that their oil contents were the same as the original. These modified meals also were used to replace fish meal at 33.3, 66.7, and 100%; on w/w basis. Thirteen diets (including a fish meal control diet) were fed to 936 shrimp of average weight 0.17 +- 0.05 g. After an 8-week growth period, final body weight of the shrimp ranged from 1.09 to 2.21 g, and survival ranged from 62.5 to 84.7%. No body weight differences were observed between shrimp fed diets based on PBM and PBMPG (P = 0.188) or between shrimp fed PBM with and without fish oil supplementation (P = 0.549). However, shrimp fed the 33.3 or 66.7% fish meal replacement diets grew faster than those fed the 100% fish rneal replacement diet (P = 0.018 and P = 0.048, respectively). Results demonstrated that up to 66.7% fish meal could be replaced by PBM without affecting shrimp growth (P > 0.05). Adding fish oil to defatted PBM diets did not affect shrimp body composition (P > 0.05).
机译:通过用两种类型的家禽副产品粉(常规家禽副产品粉[PBM]和低灰分宠物食品级家禽副产品[ PBMPG])的重量分别为33.3、66.7和100%。此外,对PBM和PBMPG进行了脱脂处理,并添加了鱼油,以使其油含量与原始油相同。这些修改后的粗粉还分别以33.3%,66.7%和100%的含量代替了鱼粉;基于w / w。向平均重量为0.17±0.05克的936虾中饲喂了13种饲料(包括鱼粉控制饲料)。经过8周的生长期,虾的最终体重在1.09至2.21 g之间,存活率在62.5至84.7%之间。在使用PBM和PBMPG饲喂虾的日粮之间(P = 0.188),或在添加和不添加鱼油的饲喂PBM的虾之间(P = 0.549),均未观察到体重差异。但是,饲喂33.3或66.7%鱼粉替代饲料的虾比饲喂100%鱼鼻替代饲料的虾生长更快(分别为P = 0.018和P = 0.048)。结果表明,多达66.7%的鱼粉可以被PBM替代而不会影响虾的生长(P> 0.05)。在脱脂的PBM日粮中添加鱼油不会影响虾的身体成分(P> 0.05)。



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