首页> 外文期刊>Circulation. Heart failure >AAV9.I-1c delivered via direct coronary infusion in a porcine model of heart failure improves contractility and mitigates adverse remodeling.

AAV9.I-1c delivered via direct coronary infusion in a porcine model of heart failure improves contractility and mitigates adverse remodeling.


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Heart failure is characterized by impaired function and disturbed Ca2+ homeostasis. Transgenic increases in inhibitor-1 activity have been shown to improve Ca2 cycling and preserve cardiac performance in the failing heart. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of activating the inhibitor (I-1c) of protein phosphatase 1 (I-1) through gene transfer on cardiac function in a porcine model of heart failure induced by myocardial infarction.Myocardial infarction was created by a percutaneous, permanent left anterior descending artery occlusion in Yorkshire Landrace swine (n=16). One month after myocardial infarction, pigs underwent intracoronary delivery of either recombinant adeno-associated virus type 9 carrying I-1c (n=8) or saline (n=6) as control. One month after myocardial infarction was created, animals exhibited severe heart failure demonstrated by decreased ejection fraction (46.4±7.0% versus sham 69.7±8.5%) and impaired (dP/dt)max and (dP/dt)min. Intracoronary injection of AAV9.I-1c prevented further deterioration of cardiac function and led to a decrease in scar size.In this preclinical model of heart failure, overexpression of I-1c by intracoronary in vivo gene transfer preserved cardiac function and reduced the scar size.
机译:心力衰竭的特征是功能受损和Ca2 +稳态失调。已显示抑制剂1活性的转基因增加可改善Ca2循环并保留衰竭心脏的心脏功能。这项研究的目的是评估通过基因转移激活蛋白磷酸酶1(I-1c)抑制剂(I-1c)对心肌梗死所致心力衰竭猪模型中心脏功能的影响。通过约克郡长白猪的经皮永久性左前降支动脉闭塞(n = 16)。心肌梗死后一个月,对猪进行冠状动脉内递送带有I-1c(n = 8)或生理盐水(n = 6)的重组腺相关病毒9型作为对照。心肌梗塞形成后一个月,动物表现出严重的心力衰竭,表现为射血分数降低(46.4±7.0%相对于假手术的69.7±8.5%),并且(dP / dt)max和(dP / dt)min受损。冠状动脉内注射AAV9.I-1c可防止心脏功能进一步恶化并减少疤痕大小。在这种心力衰竭的临床前模型中,冠状动脉内体内基因转移导致I-1c过表达可保留心脏功能并减少疤痕大小。


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