首页> 外文期刊>Japanese circulation journal >Optimization of atrioventricular delay and follow-up in a patient with congestive heart failure with an implanted DDD pacemaker: case report.

Optimization of atrioventricular delay and follow-up in a patient with congestive heart failure with an implanted DDD pacemaker: case report.


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It has been reported that cardiac function can be improved by implanting a DDD pacemaker (PM) and setting a short atrioventricular (AV) delay in patients with impaired cardiac function. A previous report found that the critical AV delay that induces diastolic mitral regurgitation (MR) may represent the upper limit of the optimal AV delay. The optimal AV delay can be predicted by a simple method: slightly prolonged AV delay minus the interval between the end of the atrial kick and complete closure of the mitral valve (duration of diastolic MR) at the AV delay setting. The patient was a 84-year-old man with an old myocardial infarction. He had repeated admissions to hospital for congestive heart failure. ECG showed prolongation of the PQ interval (0.28 s) and complete left bundle branch block. Cardiac function was improved by AV sequential pacing when the AV delay was set at 120ms. After DDD-PM implantation, the cardiothoracic ratio decreased from 57 to 45% and cardiac function was improved from New York Heart Association class III to I. The AV delay was optimized during follow-up. Four years after PM implantation, the patient was in good condition without further hospital admission.
机译:据报道,在有心脏功能受损的患者中,植入DDD起搏器(PM)并设置短暂的房室(AV)延迟可以改善心脏功能。先前的报告发现,诱发舒张二尖瓣关闭不全(MR)的临界AV延迟可能代表最佳AV延迟的上限。可以通过一种简单的方法来预测最佳的AV延迟:在AV延迟设置下,稍微延长的AV延迟减去心房搏动结束与二尖瓣完全关闭(舒张期MR的持续时间)之间的间隔。该患者是一名84岁的男子,患有老年心肌梗塞。他因充血性心力衰竭多次入院。心电图显示PQ间隔延长(0.28 s),并完成左束支传导阻滞。当AV延迟设置为120ms时,通过AV顺序起搏改善了心脏功能。 DDD-PM植入后,心胸比率从57%降至45%,心脏功能从纽约心脏协会的III级提高到I级。AV延迟在随访期间得到了优化。 PM植入后四年,患者情况良好,无需进一步住院。



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