首页> 外文期刊>Journal of affective disorders >Measuring treatment response in psychotic depression: The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) takes both depressive and psychotic symptoms into account

Measuring treatment response in psychotic depression: The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) takes both depressive and psychotic symptoms into account


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Background: There is no established psychometric instrument dedicated to the measurement of severity in psychotic depression (PD). The aim of this study was to investigate whether a new composite rating scale, the Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS), covering both the psychotic and the depressive domains of PD, could detect differences in effect between two psychopharmacological treatment regimens. Methods: We reanalyzed the data from the Study of Pharmacotherapy of Psychotic Depression (STOP-PD), which compared the effect of Olanzapine+Sertraline (n = 129) versus Olanzapine+Placebo (n = 130). The response to the two regimens was compared using both a mixed effects model and effect size statistics on the total scores of three rating scales: the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D17), its 6-item melancholia subscale (HAM-D_6), and the 11-item PDAS consisting of the HAM-D_6 plus five items from the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale covering psychotic symptoms. Results: According to both statistical approaches, the PDAS, the HAM-D_(17) and the HAM-D_6 were all able to detect significant differences in treatment effect between Olanzapine+Sertraline and Olanzapine+Placebo (Olanzapine+Sertraline being superior). Notably, 45% of the trial participants were at least "probable psychotic" at their last assessment in the trial. Limitations: The STOP-PD was not designed specifically to answer the research questions of the present study. Conclusions: The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) is a sensitive measure of treatment response in PD. The fact that 45% of the patients still experienced psychotic symptoms at their last trial assessment emphasizes the need to include items pertaining to psychotic symptoms in rating scales for PD.
机译:背景:目前尚无专门用于测量精神病性抑郁症(PD)严重程度的心理测量仪器。这项研究的目的是调查涵盖精神分裂症和抑郁症领域的新的综合评分量表-精神抑郁评估量表(PDAS)是否可以检测两种心理药物治疗方案之间的疗效差异。方法:我们重新分析了精神抑郁症药物治疗研究(STOP-PD)的数据,该研究比较了奥氮平+舍曲林(n = 129)与奥氮平+安慰剂(n = 130)的作用。使用混合效应模型和效应量统计数据,比较了三种方案的反应:三种评分量表的总评分:17个项目的汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAM-D17),6个项目的忧郁症次级量表(HAM-D17)。 D_6),以及由HAM-D_6组成的11项PDAS,外加简短的精神病评定量表中的五项,涵盖精神病症状。结果:根据这两种统计方法,PDAS,HAM-D_(17)和HAM-D_6都能检测到奥氮平+舍曲林和奥氮平+安慰剂之间的治疗效果有显着差异(奥氮平+舍曲林为优)。值得注意的是,有45%的试验参与者在试验的最后评估中至少是“可能的精神病”。局限性:STOP-PD并不是专门为回答本研究的研究问题而设计的。结论:精神病抑郁评估量表(PDAS)是PD治疗反应的敏感指标。在最后一次试验评估中仍有45%的患者仍出现精神病症状这一事实强调,有必要在PD评分量表中纳入与精神病症状有关的项目。



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