首页> 外文期刊>Journal of affective disorders >How do methods of non-fatal self-harm relate to eventual suicide?

How do methods of non-fatal self-harm relate to eventual suicide?


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Background: Methods used at an index episode of non-fatal self-harm may predict risk of future suicide. Little is known of suicide risk associated with most recent non-fatal method, and whether or not change in method is important. Methods: A prospective cohort of 30,202 patients from the Multicentre Study of Self-harm in England presenting to six hospitals with self-harm, 2000-2007, was followed up to 2010 using national death registers. Risks of suicide (by self-poisoning, self-injury, and all methods) associated with recent method(s) of non-fatal self-harm were estimated using Cox models. Results: Suicide occurred in 378 individuals. Cutting, hanging/asphyxiation, CO/other gas, traffic-related and other self-injury at the last episode of self-harm were associated with 1.8 to 5-fold increased risks (vs. self-poisoning) of subsequent suicide, particularly suicide involving self-injury. All methods of self-harm had similar risks of suicide by self-poisoning. One-third who died by suicide used the same method for their last self-harm and for suicide, including 41% who self-poisoned. No specific sequences of self-poisoning, cutting or other self-injury in the last two non-fatal episodes were associated with suicide in individuals with repeated self-harm. Limitations: Data were for hospital presentations only, and lacked a suicide intent measure. Conclusions: Method of self-harm may aid identification of individuals at high risk of suicide. Individuals using more dangerous methods (e.g. hanging, CO/other gas) should receive intensive follow-up. Method changes in repeated self-harm were not associated with suicide. Our findings reinforce national guidance that all patients presenting with self-harm, regardless of method, should receive a psychosocial assessment.
机译:背景:在非致命性自我伤害指数发作时使用的方法可能会预测未来自杀的风险。对于与最新非致命方法相关的自杀风险知之甚少,而且方法的改变是否重要。方法:从2000年至2007年在英国的多中心自残研究中心对六家自残医院进行的前瞻性队列研究,共纳入30,202例患者,并使用国家死亡登记表随访至2010年。使用Cox模型估算了与非致命自我伤害的最新方法相关的自杀风险(通过自我中毒,自我伤害和所有方法)。结果:378人自杀。在最后一次自残时,割伤,吊死/窒息,CO /其他气体,交通相关的和其他自残与随后自杀,尤其是自杀的风险增加1.8至5倍(相对于中毒)涉及人身伤害。所有的自我伤害方法都有类似的中毒自杀风险。三分之一死于自杀的人使用同样的方法自杀和自杀,其中包括41%的中毒者。在最近两次非致死性发作中,没有发生自毒,割伤或其他自残的特定序列,这些人与反复自残的人自杀有关。局限性:数据仅用于医院报告,并且缺乏自杀意向措施。结论:自残方法可能有助于识别高自杀风险的个体。使用更危险的方法(例如吊,CO /其他气体)的个人应接受深入的随访。反复自我伤害的方法改变与自杀无关。我们的发现加强了国家的指导意见,即所有表现出自我伤害的患者,无论采用何种方法,都应接受社会心理评估。



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