首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Aerosol Science >Video system study of charged soot aggregates formed by benzene pyrolysis.

Video system study of charged soot aggregates formed by benzene pyrolysis.


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Soot formation during benzene pyrolysis is of interest due to use of fuels with increased aromatic content resulting in high level of particulate emissions from vehicular exhausts,furnaces,and manufacturing processes relatively to those emissions from low C/H ratio fuels.This work is aimed at video system investigation of charged soot aggregate formation due to benzene pyrolysis in reactor presented in Fig.1.A mixture of benzene with nitrogene is supplied to the input of reactor at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.The partial pressure of benzene in this mixture is 100 Torr.The experiments were carried out at the temperature in reaction zone of 1350 K.The imput flow rate is varied in the range qi=0.25-2.5 scc/s which corresponds to the residence time in reaction zone t=0.6-6 c.The pyrolysis of benzene resulted in soot aggregate formation (Fig.2).The size of aggregates is 0.1-1 jam,the mean size of primary particles about 100 nm.An imaging system was used for soot observations.To this aim,a small portion of aerosol was injected to an optical cell.Light of a He-Ne laser beam scattered by soot particles at an angle of 90deg passed through a flat window to a microscope objective and then to a CCD camera connected to a TV system.This optical setup resolves images of aggregates larger than about 3 jam;smaller aggregates were visible as spots.To create an electric field,two parallel electrodes were fixed in the cell at a distance of 0.25 cm.The velocity of aggregate movement in the electric field with intensity of 360 V/cm gave information on the electric charge of aggregates.We estimated the aggregate net charge from the balance between the Coulomb force and the drag force.The crucial point in these estimations was determination of equivalent radius of aggregate Rm.
机译:苯热解过程中的烟尘形成是令人关注的,这是因为使用了芳烃含量更高的燃料,与低C / H比燃料的排放相比,汽车尾气,炉子和制造过程中的颗粒物排放量较高。图1所示的反应器中苯热解引起的带电烟灰聚集体形成的视频系统研究。在大气压力和室温下,将苯与氮的混合物供应至反应器的输入端,该混合物中苯的分压为100在1350 K反应区的温度下进行实验。输入流速在qi = 0.25-2.5 scc / s的范围内变化,这对应于在反应区t = 0.6-6 c的停留时间。苯的热解导致烟灰团聚体的形成(图2)。团聚体的大小为0.1-1 jam,初级粒子的平均大小约为100 nm。使用成像系统观察烟灰。为此,将一小部分气溶胶注入到光学元件中。被烟尘颗粒以90度角散射的He-Ne激光束的光通过平窗到达显微镜物镜,然后到达与之相连的CCD照相机。一个电视系统。此光学装置可分辨出大于3个卡纸的聚集体图像;较小的聚集体可见为斑点。为产生电场,将两个平行的电极固定在0.25 cm的距离内的池中。在360 V / cm强度的电场中,给出了骨料的电荷信息。我们从库仑力和阻力的平衡中估算了骨料的净电荷。总计Rm。



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