首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Risk factors for traumatic and bloody lumbar puncture in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Risk factors for traumatic and bloody lumbar puncture in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


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CONTEXT: Traumatic or bloody lumbar puncture (LP) reduces the diagnostic value of the procedure and may worsen the outcome of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Little is known about the risk factors for traumatic and bloody LP. OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk factors for traumatic and bloody LP. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Retrospective cohort study of 956 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed childhood ALL who were treated at a pediatric cancer center between February 1984 and July 1998. INTERVENTIONS: All patients underwent a diagnostic LP followed by a median of 4 LPs to instill intrathecal chemotherapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Traumatic LP was defined as an LP in which cerebrospinal fluid contained at least 10 red blood cells (RBCs) per microliter and bloody LP as one in which the cerebrospinal fluid contained at least 500 RBCs per microliter. RESULTS: Of the 5609 LPs evaluated, 1643 (29%) were traumatic and 581 (10%) were bloody. The estimated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for traumatic LP were 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2-1.8) for black vs white race, 2.3 (95% CI, 1.7-3.0) for age younger than 1 year vs 1 year or older, 1.4 (95% CI, 1.2-1.7) for early vs recent (dedicated procedure area and general anesthesia) treatment era, 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2-1.8) for platelet count of 100 x 10(3)/ micro L or more vs less than 100 x 10(3 )/ micro L, 10.8 (95% CI, 7.7-15.2) for short (1 day) vs longer (>15 days) interval since the previous LP, and 1.4 (95% CI, 1.1-1.8) for the least vs the most experienced practitioners. Analyses for bloody LP yielded similar results. CONCLUSIONS: The unmodifiable risk factors for traumatic and bloody LP include black race, age younger than 1 year, a traumatic or bloody previous LP performed within the past 2 weeks, and a previous LP performed when the platelet count was 50 x 10(3)/ micro L or less. Modifiable risk factors include procedural factors reflected in treatment era, platelet count of 100 x 10(3)/ micro L or less, an interval of 15 days or less between LPs, and a less experienced practitioner.
机译:背景:创伤性或带血腰椎穿刺术(LP)降低了该方法的诊断价值,并可能使急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患者的预后恶化。关于创伤性和血性LP的危险因素知之甚少。目的:确定创伤性和血性LP的危险因素。设计,地点和患者:回顾性队列研究对1984年2月至1998年7月期间在儿科癌症中心接受治疗的956例新诊断的儿童ALL患者进行了连续回顾性研究。干预措施:所有患者均接受了诊断性LP,其次为4个LP。灌注鞘内化疗。主要观察指标:创伤性LP定义为每微升脑脊液中至少含有10个红细胞(RBC)的LP,而脑脊液每微升中至少含有500 RBC的血液中的LP。结果:在评估的5609个LP中,有1643个(29%)受创,有581个(10%)为流血。黑人与白人相比,创伤性LP的估计优势比(OR)和95%置信区间(CI)为1.5(95%CI,1.2-1.8),小于1岁的年龄为2.3(95%CI,1.7-3.0)一年vs 1岁或更早,早期(近期)(专用手术区域和全身麻醉)治疗时代为1.4(95%CI,1.2-1.8),对于100 x 10(血小板)计数为1.5(95%CI,1.2-1.8) 3)/ micro L或更多vs小于100 x 10(3)/ micro L,自前一个LP以来的短暂(1天)相对较长(> 15天)间隔为10.8(95%CI,7.7-15.2),并且相对于经验最丰富的从业人员,最低为1.4(95%CI,1.1-1.8)。对血腥LP的分析产生了相似的结果。结论:创伤性和血性LP的不可改变的危险因素包括黑人,年龄小于1岁,过去2周内进行过创伤性或血性的先前LP以及血小板计数为50 x 10(3)时进行过的LP。 /微升以下。可改变的危险因素包括治疗时代所反映的程序因素,血小板计数为100 x 10(3)/ micro L或更少,LP之间的间隔为15天或更少以及经验不足的从业者。



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